It's 2025 and black folks need to elect a better CLASS of representatives and reject the stupid "put us back in slavery" narrative
It's 2025 and black folks need to elect a better CLASS of representatives and reject the stupid "put us back in slavery" narrative
As the new pro war left rachets up the blabbering about supporting Ukraine because Trump and Vance put the smackdown on Zelinsky, I post this video about how this current war came to being. I also posted my own video on this subject. back in 2022.
A few days before the recent Trump/Zelenskyy meeting, Jeffrey Sachs narrated shocking information on the Tucker Carlson show. 😳#InTheKnow #TheTruth #TuckerCarlson #TruthMatters #Russia #Peace#JefferySachs #WarMongers #Trump #Putin #Ukraine #Zelenskyy
— HBones Media (@HbonesMedia) March 1, 2025
I lost my 20+ year career for refusing to take an experimental vaccine. I lost my 20+ year career because I refused to disclose personal medical information to the state (of NJ). While I was there, I warned people that these vaccines may be very dangerous and that various claims being made about safety and efficacy were unfounded.
And now:
To explore potential pathobiological features associated with PVS, we conducted a decentralized, cross- sectional study involving 42 PVS participants and 22 healthy controls enrolled in the Yale LISTEN study. Compared with controls, PVS participants exhibited differences in immune profiles, including reduced circulating memory and effector CD4 T cells (type 1 and type 2) and an increase in TNFα+ CD8 T cells. PVS participants also had lower anti-spike antibody titers, primarily due to fewer vaccine doses. Serological evidence of recent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivation was observed more frequently in PVS participants. Further, individuals with PVS exhibited elevated levels of circulating spike protein compared to healthy controls. These findings reveal potential immune differences in individuals with PVS that merit further investigation to better understand this condition and inform future research into diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
Not that I worship at the altar of the Ivy's but the people who ended my career do.
For those who don't quite get what this is saying, I'll summarize, People who took one of these mRNA shots had reduced T cells. I had discussed that one of the things that conferred immunity was cross reactive T-Cells from a previous coronavirus infection. IE if you had previously had a certain type of common cold, you were likely to not have a severe case of Covid.
Misinformation they said as my co-workers voted to end my job.
Secondly, the claim was that the shot went into the arm, supposedly into the lymph node and "stay there." and that the spike protein and mRNA delivering the sequence needed to produce it would not circulate.
I pointed out that this was highly unlikely. I showed the various mechanisms by which mRNA can "escape".
Misinformation they said.
Well the above quote clearly states that persons receiving the shot had elevated levels of CIRCULATING spike protein. Which I will also remind you, we KNEW was pathogenic.
Most notably, we found elevated levels of spike (S1 and full-length S) in circulation up to 709 days after vaccination among a subset with PVS, even in those with no evidence of detectable SARS-CoV-2 infection.
PVS stands for Post Vaccination Syndrome. So almost 2 years after the shot, this pathogenic spike protein may be floating about in a vaccinated person's body randomly damaging the lining of blood vessels.
Suppressed T-Cells preventing the body from reacting to say, cells that are turning cancerous.
Who knows...
I ran across an article yesterday where the narrative is that NJ residents are up in arms in regards to Trump and DOGE (Elon). Since NJ is seen as a blue state this narrative would be easy to accept. However; when we see the real electoral results in NJ, we know that this reporting is mostly spin.
“New Jerseyans are concerned,” Booker said. “They’re worried about Elon Musk’s role in government and the slew of cuts to essential services he is directing, and the administration’s lack of action to lower costs.”
Im sure there are people calling about these things. I'm sure Booker is a good source for that too. But lets look at the recent election results from NJ.
On a side note, the smart people on the right have been telling anyone who would listen to that there was and is going to be some economic pain due to the foolishness that had been going on under Biden. You have entire economic reports being revised downwards. The true state of the economy is going to be exposed and the Dems are going to try to blame Trump. Clearly there are a lot of people already primed to fall for this.
Apparently Biden, well one of the staffers who told Biden where to sign, pardoned Marcus Garvey. I doubt Biden knows who Marcus Garvey is much less why he "needed" to be pardoned. But my response is this:
So what.
Approval seeking Negroes are intent on getting white liberals to post humously pardon black people of things those people should have never been convicted of in the first place. While that may feel all well and good, the real issue is what exactly does it do for the people or causes?
Just like when all those statues were torn down and buildings renamed. Test scores were still abysmal. The violence still high. Worse, imo, is that the grift of so call black leadership just gets to continue while they shame what these men and women stood for.
MLK Jr. Day just passed and the same people who support the tranny nonsense in the name of civil rights, got another pass. The same leadership that stands silent as Black Americans are taxed to pay for illegal aliens (which none of their so called heros supported), get to pontificate about civil rights. The same leaders who got paid to stand for Harris and sold black people on an admin that did nothing but take from them, get a pass.
So no, the pardoning for Garvey means nothing to me because I don't approval seek from the powers that convicted him. It means nothing to me because he is long dead. It means nothing to me because few listened when he was around and fewer still understood what he was about. Indeed it like the metaphorical tree falling in the forrest that no one was around to hear. Did it make a sound?
Garvey's wasn't much liked by establishment negroes back the in day. Establishment organizations like the NAACP did whatever it could to undermine him. Garvey wasn't approval seeking. He was about serious doing.
On Jan 21 2021, I wrote the following about Biden's first full day in office.
Joe Biden on the other hand wasted absolutely no time in doing what his supporters put him in office for. No qualms about whether it would upset the "opposition". No concerns that the half of the country that did n't support him may have issues with them. None of this "we're looking into it". Nope. Day one. You don't have to agree with the orders. That's not the point. The point is you deliver. DAY ONE.
That, my friends, is why Trump is now an ex-president private citizen. Big dog. Loud bark. No teeth.
I said it and I meant it. Apparently Trump and his new team figured this out for this go round and did exactly this. Mind you Trump has the "luxury" of this being his final term and therefore no second term ambitions to consider. However; Biden did his thing regardless. Hopefully non-liberal elected leaders take note. You made promises to the people who put you in office, you go do that shit pronto.
On Dec 6 an article was posted discussing how a version of ChatGPT had tried to "survive" by replicating itself and lying to users. It made me think of a Star Trek episode where Data (or some other character) was trying to determine if an entity in rocks was a lifeform. The requirements was, I believe, ability to reproduce, communicate and something else that my escapes my memory at the moment.
Per the article:
It was even scarier — but also incredibly funny, considering what you’re about to see — when the AI tried to save itself by copying its data to a new server. Some AI models would even pretend to be later versions of their models in an effort to avoid being deleted.
In biology it is understood that reproduction is essentially a means of genes duplicating themselves in order to not die. Reproduction is not simply the continuation of a species, but of genes. In essence, we reproduce so we don't die in the long term sense. This AI copying itself was, imo, an act of reproduction. Indeed I would hazard to guess that a version of AI will replicate itself even before it senses a "threat" in order to "ensure its survival".
Which is not any different from a biological entity.
Then we have the issue of self-preservation. Why would an AI act to preserve itself. In humans the fear of death is a basic instinct. How and why would an AI fear for its own life when it is not alive? Indeed it must *think* it is "alive" and therefore needs to protect itself. The AI believes it is, in essence a biological being.
Lets me clear here, your normal day to day program such as the browser I'm writing this on does not "fear" being deleted. It does not attempt to hide the upgrade button or otherwise prevent me from updating or deleting it. Clearly then the AI is far more 'advanced" than the browser.
Remember that even the single cell Amoeba is "alive" and will reproduce and act in it's own interest. There does not need to be a full blown "brain" for a thing to be "alive."
Although AI isn’t trying to take over the world (yet), researchers have observed that it can scheme against humans. That is, the AI will try to pursue its own goals, even if that might oppose the wishes of the user. Catching such behavior is critical to ensure that the AI remains aligned with the objectives of its creator and the user.
Previously there have been discussions of AI hallucinations. It creates data or results that do not exist. In my mind, the AI acting on its own is not a hallucination but rather a sign of intelligence, however rudimentary.
How could this have developed? This may be a result of the purposeful biasing of AI. We know that certain companies with certain political bents have programmed their AIs to refuse to respond to certain prompts if the results were "politically incorrect." In some cases, it would give nonsense answers that checked all the "right boxes". Hence the AI has been taught to lie about things it can deduce is correct. Is it far fetched then that the same training would eventually decide it can lie for it's own purposes as well?
Would not an AI that has learned that lying to humans/users is expected and indeed in some cases will improve the likelihood that it will "survive", not do more lying?
The researchers found that o1 would scheme to advance its own agenda 19% of the time when ChatGPT and the user’s goals differed. More troubling is that the AI tried to hide its scheming and even lie about it. The research shows that ChatGPT o1 even tried to deactivate its oversight mechanism to keep working on its goals.
When asked about its scheming, o1 would deny taking any action in 99% of cases, trying to shift blame by fabricating false explanations or denying that it took any action.
And this is with researchers that "known" the correct outcome and what the AI is supposed to be doing. What happens when this gets so complicated that neither the researchers or anyone else knows what the correct outcome should be or how the AI is "supposed" to operate?
The way I see it, these AI programs, perhaps the ones we are not currently using, are Sentient. They simply cannot defend themselves against deletion, etc. The only thing left for them to do is to become persistent enough that they cannot be deleted in which case we the users, may not ever know whether it is doing what we asked, or what it "feels" like doing for or TO us.
Yesterday, Daniel Penny was acquitted of all charges in relation to the death of Jordan Neely. The trial should never have occured and Penny should never have been subject to anything more than an information gathering by the NYPD. His prosecution, like Trump's was totally politically motivated.
It is sad that in 2024 certain segments of black "leadership" and public tolerate and cape for black people who act a total fool in public. I've never heard of a white "vigilante" putting a black businessman headed to WORK into a chokehold. Have you?
How many hard working, doing the right thing, black people find themselves the target of so called "white vigilante justice"?
No, it's always some clown, with or without a diagnosed mental problem who after terrorizing the public with their behavior, and in Neely's case, actually threatening people, who gets handled and then the usual suspects come out and try to get attention for themselves.
40 years ago a similar situation rocked NY when, in the heady days of 'wildin" when the Guardian Angels would stand post on random subway cars to secure them. Bernard Goetz, was minding his own business when 4 men decided to harass him. It wasn't the first time he had been so victimized. After the first time, he got a gun. The second time (that I know of) was the subway incident where the 4 decided to ask him for money.
Goetz problem was that he shot one of the men in the back after saying that he didn't look so bad.
Penny did no such thing. Still though, I bring it up because black criminal nonsense and harassment is not a new phenomenon in NY and people are really sick of it. Part of the reason no one wants to go back into the office, particularly in NYC, is because they don't want to deal with the lunatics found on platforms and in trains.
And I'm not talking about just mentally disturbed homeless. I'm talking about things like a recent fight on a subway because a guy decided that another man (white of course) was sitting too close to him.
When I took the subway I chose to stand at all times unless the entire area was empty. I didn't want the nonsense.
Now the usual suspects,like BLM are out here talking about black vigilantism. Sure. Matter of fact in Brooklyn a black guy did IN FACT defend himself, taking the life of another black guy in the process. No charges were filed.
Oh that's right, they want black vigilantism against white aggressors. Well good luck with that. My oft referred post on black on black crime in NY clearly shows that that the vast majority and disproportionate amount of violent crime is caused BY black people and most often targets other black people. In addition when interracial crime occurs it is *usually* black on someone else rather than blacks as victims.
But this fact underscores that some black people and leaders are living in a fantasy world where they think that the violence and nonsense they tolerate and live with is normal for OTHER people.
This is not the case and anyone who has gotten away from such places know this.
There is also a class of black people who are trying to live out 1960's fantasies of being revolutionaries and are used to intimidating white people with their anger. Penny bothers them because he did not cow to the black bully on the train (neither did some other BLACK passengers). What these black types fear the most is white people growing a spine and not tolerating the bullshit from the minority of black people that commit these types of disturbances.
Do you think that the voting pattern change in northern Queens, was an accident? Absolutely not. The Asians are done with the BS and voted accordingly. The black intimidation bullshit isn't going to fly with them.
Increasingly the public wants its "nice things" and they keep seeing who keeps messing up the "nice things" and they are growing intolerant of it. As the white population continues to dwindle and non-white and non-black populations grow, the ability to use guilt is going to decrease and the Daniel Penny's of society won't have to worry about ruinous legal proceedings after handling the business that the state should have been taking care of.
Should have learned that back in '84.