Shortly after Trump took his place as president, Chuck Schumer made the following statement:
You take on the intelligence community. They have six ways to Sunday of getting back at you. So even for a practical supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he's being really dumb to do this.
Looking back on Trump's presidency we can see that this was a foretelling of what was to come. Despite Trump's own failings, his ideas posed a particular threat to career employees of various agencies. presidents, senators and representatives come and go but career politicians usually remain. Even if they are "let go" by a particular administration, they can either "sit it out" at a private firm with deep links into government or they are picked up when the opposing party returns to power. That's how it goes. You mess with that and to quote Al Capone, or at least De Niro playing him: "you mess with me, I'm gonna mess with you." And so The Swamp messed with Trump.
First we have two [known] failures to remove Trump. The Steele Dossier which was shown to be a fraud, created by an agent of a foreign state at the behest of the Clinton campaign via a law firm. If all the prattling about foreign collusion was actually a crime, then Clinton and the rest of the people involved would have been prosecuted. They were not. Barr made sure of that. Oh he talked the game about how he was "disturbed" by the things he read and how Durham was going to get to the bottom of it. But as I posted in the previous installment, Barr's purpose was to distract the president and slow the process enough to get to the election without actually prosecuting anyone. Oh, yeah, except the low-level guy who falsified an e-mail.
So people committed felonies like lying to the FISA court and all we got were strongly worded letters. Some people broke glass in the US Capitol and they were hemmed up quick fast and in a hurry.
Then they came with the Ukraine call. The interesting thing about the accusation was that they claimed that Trump was looking to do "election interference" by getting Biden in trouble with the Ukrainians via a "bribe". At that time Biden was not the candidate so how could they make such an accusation?
Six ways...
They were telling us Biden was the chosen one.
Not only did the transcript of the call show no so-called "quid-pro-quo", a term dropped when Democrats realized the general public was too unintelligent to understand what that term meant but they ended up contradicting themselves as video of Biden's actual quid-pro-quo" admission made the rounds on various social media platforms.
Honestly I thought that video was going to sink Biden. Why? Because I didn't quite grasp how much Democrats were and are about power rather than so-called "decency". A decent person would have said, well, if asking for the person investigating your son's business in exchange for $6 billion is impeachable, why would I support Biden?
I recall when Howard Dean's candidacy was torpedoed due to a video of him getting really excited at one of his rallies. Seriously. The video of him going "yeahhhhhhhh" was played over and over again and he was done.
Edwards was found to have a baby with someone not his wife. Campaign done.
Biden on video admitting bribing a Ukraine official with the blessing of the sitting president? No problem.
That didn't happen and nobody in the press was having this narrative out there.
Anyway, this attack failed to dislodge Trump but it DID succeed in the continued "death by a thousand cuts" strategy that was being used by Democrats. The point of the harassment was to constantly have bad press on Trump. Perception forms reality for the vast majority of people.
So Trump rolls into Feb 2020 with having survived two major attempts to remove him from office. Yet the Grand Coup was about to be set into motion.
As I indicated in the previous post, for any and all of Trump's failures, his biggest success was on the economic front. Any president with such an economic success as Trump had would win the presidency in a landslide. Lower taxes across the board. Record corp profits (these things matter). Record unemployment numbers across the board. Nobody can argue with money in the bank. People in such situations feel secure and will vote for "more of that please."
Meanwhile China being battered by Trump's hard ball policies released the Kraken, COVID 19. I won't get into whether this thing was created or not. I've laid out enough evidence over the past 9 months that points to a high probability that it was created. Even if it got out accidentally, the Chinese authorities allowed travel from the epicenter to places around the globe without so much as a peep. There is also video of Chinese officials talking about how the US was dependent upon China for medical supplies (masks, vents, etc) and thus if there was a national medical emergency, the US was, well, fucked.
In the early days of the Pandemic, Democrats not yet realizing the opportunity that lay ahead, made light of the situation. Videos of Pelosi and Di Blasio in their respective Chinatowns telling people to come out and celebrate the Chinese New Year and calling Trump a xenophobe for restricting flights into the country.
They soon realized that they had a means to topple Trump: Scare the shit out of everybody. The reversals soon came and every Dem official was calling for mask mandates and lockdowns. They knew the public would not accept an indefinite lockdown so they did the "2 weeks to flatten the curve" thing. Once locked, they wouldn't allow opening. This was the important part.
Once the country was shook about being in public or enclosed space because they believed "infection= dead" and 'You want to kill granny?" part two was put into place. These emergencies "allowed" state governments to change the voting process without the usual legislative procedures *required* by the constitution. This gave cover to the DNC to finish its decapitation of Bernie Sanders who was unable to campaign.
Trump had his managerial style turned against him and he essentially turned the country over to The Swamp, Fauci et-al. were the insiders who Trump allowed to take over the response to COVID. You could understand why he would. HE's not a medical expert and he couldn't conceive that these people would be willing to not only kill off Americans but would be willing to catastrophically damage its economy in order to get what they wanted.
And so the media plan was to do a case and death count all day, every day and pin it on the president. Since we know that the Chinese have agents all over the US government and other institutions, I would not be surprised if they were behind getting the media to act the way they acted (and are acting). Eliminating Trump is good for China. Then George Floyd died under the knee of a police officer.
If anything showed the real intention of the Covid Plandemic, it was the reaction to Floyd. I won't go into the particulars of Floyd here. I have done that already and the available autopsy, transcripts and video evidence run counter to the prevailing narrative. But for Trump the important part was how all of the medical experts and people setting lockdown rules quickly did about faces when the protests and riots occurred. For them, "Justice for Floyd" was more important than "stopping the spread". Meanwhile, in-person voting was too dangerous. Running your business was "too dangerous". Attending church was too dangerous. Visiting friends and family was too dangerous. Going to school was too dangerous. The response to the Floyd riots showed that the lockdowns were political tools to undo the economic progress that Trump had achieved. No longer could a potential Trump voter look at the economy and say "more of that please". The media did its best to say that these lock downs, the responsibility for which laid with state governors, were Trump's fault and thus the pain your feeling is Trump's fault and if you want relief you get rid of Trump.
This "proposition", which was actually a great blackmailing of the citizenry" was also trotted out for the rioting. The rioting is a response to Trump and his policies and racism. If you want the rioting to stop you need to get Trump out of office.
But Trump is not blameless here. When the autonomous zones were set up (essentially self-declared states) Trump should have sent in the feds with live ammo and put them down. Setting up a self-declared autonomous state within the US is insurrection, treason and sedition. That the Trump administration failed to act decisively was again an example of big dog, loud bark, no teeth. There were "conservative" commentators who advised against clearing out the zones. Their concern was optics.
I wrote at the time that the failure to deal with these zones along with the lack of public outrage against them was a sign that Trump was indeed a one-term president. Whereas Nixon spoke of the silent majority, I saw this as a sign of no silent majority:
"No, The forces arrayed against those, white and non-white who refuse to take part in the new BLM religious cult (that's what it is) and see the long run communist game for what it is has to face fare greater consequences than those of 1968. Sure there will be "backlash" in certain quarters of the country. But I see nothing to indicate Trump will be "gifted" with a landslide because there are far more people out there that simply hate Trump and even if it means they have to deal with crazy shit from Democrats, they will do so just to be rid of the man. That is, they think this mob (and I'm not just talking about the ones in the streets) can be negotiated with. Indeed this mob WILL present themselves as amenable to negotiation. It's short term though. Remember, homosexuals just wanted to be left alone in the privacy of their homes. See where that went.
So no, I don't see Trump winning a landslide due to the recent events. As a matter of fact Trump is looking more and more like a one term president in part due to what has been done to him as well as his failure to do the things he promised to do."
The other media message was directed at seniors. Here the pitch was that seniors are particularly vulnerable to COVID (for various reasons) and thus by Trump not wearing and mandating masks, he doesn't care about YOUR health. His pushing of "deadly" HCQ will get you killed. You need to vote D and save yourselves (and America).
And thus the final media message was that the mounting cases and deaths were Trump's fault and if you wanted to change this horrible situation you need to get Biden into office, Biden has a plan. There are riots in the streets because Trump is a racist. You want the riots to stop? Get Trump out. Remember that the summer of rioting was approved of from the top to the bottom of the Democratic Party. It was given positive coverage by the MSM. To be against the rioting meant you were a Nazi, White Supremacist or adjacent. Which meant you were a Nazi or White Supremacist. If you were not white you were an Uncle Tom or Coconut. Those unfamiliar with the latter term should look it up.
So leading into the 2020 election Trump had swamp insiders running the response to COVID in such a way to inflict maximum damage to the US economy and kill off citizens as needed to keep the population scared. Swamp insiders were protecting the insiders who collaborated to move against Trump with the Spygate, dirty dossier. The DNC then used the lockdowns to change the voting process. As Nigel Farange and others pointed out, mail-in voting allowed for a level of fraud not seen in the US but certainly not unheard of. It is why no serious country allows mass mail-in voting. The extent of this fraud may possibly never be known by the public.
However; I'm not going to lean on fraud as the only or even the deterministic factor. I'm going to put it on the slow, long game that Democrats have been playing: Demographics. Democrats have taken Virginia. Then they took Georgia, a state that until recently wouldn't even be considered a close call. It would be tempting to say that Republicans have been asleep at the wheel when it comes to immigration, but I think the evidence shows that they have been in on it. For them immigration is a means of gifting to the corporations that use them. Since the Republican party is content to be the minor sidekick of the DNC in that they are there for show only, I don't think them stupid enough to not have realized where the trends were going. Anyone with an IQ above 30 realizes that the 14th Amendment means that once in the US, you drop a baby as fast as possible. Coming over while pregnant is an even better idea. I live around a lot of immigrants from the Indian subcontinent. They all know the game. Women drop babies quick, fast and in a hurry. I'm not even mad at 'em for doing so. The US government set up the game and they are just playing by the rules to their benefit. Good luck finding a doctor in my area who is 4 generations deep in America. 3 might be hard. They own a good deal of gas stations, hotels and convenience stores. This is no stereotype. And again, I'm not mad at them. Government made the rules and they are taking advantage of them.
And so the long game is paying off. Concentrated demographic change primarily in big cities in red states has paid off in national races and will soon, as in NY, California and Virginia result in governorships. But for the purpose of this post, Trump was on the losing end of the demographic game. While his supporters died off or were otherwise displaced, Democrats had a growing set of voters. Hence, elections that shouldn't have been even close were close. Close enough for shenanigans to tip the scales.
Six ways.
Lastly Trump violated the cardinal rule: Dance with the one who brung ya to the party. For all his pandering to various groups the one group he failed to address was the very group that put him over the top in 2016. By all accounts, though he allegedly won more votes than last time, he still was down in the one demographic that won him the presidency: straight white males in the mid-west. I would guess that his non-response to the rioting, particularly in Kenosha that did him in with that group. Seeing that the guy they put over the top, allowed their businesses to burn was probably a bridge too far. Not saying they voted for Biden. I think they stayed home and tossed the mail-in ballot in the trash.
And so Schumer's prophesy came to pass. A multiyear and multi-prong attack on Trump that started before he was even elected resulted in Trump being ejected after one term. Trump's own bad decisions aided in his demise. Now we have a president signing executive orders that he doesn't even know the contents of and requires an earpiece to tell him to salute troops. To top it off most of Trump's "accomplishments" are being rolled back to make it as if he never even was in office.
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Struck from history. |