Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Saturday, October 02, 2021

They Called Your Bluff

 So NYS put in a vaccine mandate for hospitals. There were a lot of people in those hospitals who had refused to take the shot(s).  I don't know their reasoning for doing so but whatever it was it was clearly not strong enough. Bluffs got called:

The one thing the state(s) learned in the past 18 months is that all the talk of people "rising up" if their rights were trampled upon was just that: Talk. In some red and rural areas there may be more resistance but in blue run states people do what their told even if they grumble about it. In the end, they talk shit on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

But they gonna turn around and bend over in the end.

"Then something miraculous happened: People who had previously refused to get a shot came into the office holding out their vaccination cards. Another nine employees opted to get their first dose at an onsite vaccine clinic offered this week. Ultimately, only four of the 120 employees at the facility declined to get vaccinated, and one got a medical exemption. By Wednesday, Highbridge’s vaccination rate had risen to near perfect, 98.6%."

Now I believe that since the elderly are at the highest risk, that staff SHOULD be under scrutiny. However; the way it should be done is that all staff undergo an anti-body and T-Cell reactive tests. Anyone who shows Anti-bodies  or T-Cell reaction to SARS-2 gets a 6 month pass on testing. Testing of all staff, every day they show up to work should be done. That includes anyone who took a shot because we know that the shots do not prevent infection or transmission.

"Because staffing is already so lean, many nursing home administrators had their unvaccinated employees working right up until the deadline, Hanse explained. Now that the deadline has passed, rather than firing employees who haven’t complied, some administrators are giving them a 30-day unpaid leave of absence in hopes that they’ll change their minds. Last weekend, Gov. Kathy Hochul eliminated unemployment insurance benefits for health care workers who were terminated for noncompliance with the mandate."

I won't get into the theft that is denying unemployment to those who paid in for years. But the 30 days is something I think had a huge effect. The vast majority of people cannot go without 30 days of pay. Many cannot afford to miss a single paycheck. If they took the shot due to this extortion (that's what it is), then they should ask themselves how and why they are in such a vulnerable position. 

For those who's position was religious, well just know that you failed the test. I'm going to use a Christian story on this point. When Jesus was in the desert and was tempted by the devil who said, I will give you all this (the world) if you would bow down and worship me.

A lot of people will say that they cannot uproot themselves. Well, why are you so attached to that house? Why are you so attached to that school? Why are you so attached to those possessions you have to pay for? Exactly how many gods have you put into your life that you would forgo the religious principle you claimed you had?

So now your employer (and the state) knows that you don't really believe in what you said you believe and the next time you open your mouth about Jesus, Allah, Jehovah or whatever, THEY all know that deep down  YOU KNOW you are full of shit. 

Not saying that non-compliance would or will be easy. Nope. I know a person who dropped everything to go after his goal of public speaking. All furniture sold. Homeless for a while. Ended up fine. The easy road is promised to no one. Sometimes the easy road is THE TEST.