Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Obama Discloses Spies in Iran

In a spate of disclosure last week Obama announced that there were spies in Iran. Now you're probably saying "How do you know?" It's simple really. When Obama said, unequivocally, that he knew Roxana Saberi was not a spy. He made a pressupposed statement. Clearly anyone who is not Roxana or her potential handlers does not know for certain whether Roxana is a spy. Roxana's family can say anything they want but really spies don't tell their families that they are spies. But the issue here is that I can guarantee you that when Roxana was "caught" president Obama asked whomever he needed to whether or not Roxana was on the US Payroll. He got his answer, and he knows whether or not Roxana is a spy. Furthermore as Americans now know, it is a felony to disclose the status of a CIA undercover operative. Obama is one of the only persons (if not THE only person) who can disclose such information. Therefore; by making the statement that he knows that Roxana is not a spy, he is also admitting that he knows who the spies are in Iran.

If Iran had some cheek they would have asked Obama that since he knows who is and is not a spy in Iran, he should disclose who the spies are so that Roxana can be freed and the real spies tried for espionage. Of course THAT is not going to happen. My advice to Mr. Obama should something like this happen in the future, is to refrain from making statements about persons spy status while trying to rally sympathy.

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