Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

30 Percent of Skinny People Are Obese

 I'll post the link to that quote shortly but I wanted to put the context out there first. One of the leading indicators of severe outcomes for COVID is obesity. However; you'll see in the media vaccine PR stories a lot of people who are not "obese" as we typically understand it. Well here's the reason:



I've known this for a while. Personally I decided last year to start intermittent fasting (16:8) because I could not lose some belly fat. I couldn't understand why I couldn't lose it given the amount of exercise and running I did. Well we're a year on and I dropped 15 lbs (and lose about 5lbs of water during my long runs). Yes, the belly fat mostly went away.  And yes, 15lbs on my body is a LOT.

Now looking at me before you'd think I wouldn't have weight to lose, but it happened.

In short a lot of "skinny" people think that because they are skinny that they are healthy. A lot of them are not and when COVID hits, a lot of them find out the hard way.