Yes, Malcolm X quote. Be certain that the reference is only applicable to black folks or the time in which Malcolm lived. It is a long-standing idea that spans generations and people.
I haven't commented on the election results for a number of reasons. Primarily I did not care for, or think it was constitutional, to have mass mail-in balloting for the federal election. Firstly because the US Constitution defines election day, not election days, or weeks or month. Secondly, because mail-in balloting is ripe for fraud. Mass mail-in balloting is ripe for mass fraud. Mass mail-in balloting along with no identity verification is ripe for MASSIVE fraud. Then you have issues like the destruction of ballot drop boxes, of ballots being dumped by mail carriers. All of which has happened.
Therefore my position on voting has been:
1) Voter ID required. No exceptions.
2) Election day should be from 12AM to 11:59PM of the constitutionally determined day. Period. Cities with large populations should have excessive amounts of locations to vote to keep lines to a minimum. I don't care if the places are empty for 23 of the 24 hours.
3) Election day should be a federal holiday for all people, even if that means the govt pays that day's wages (perhaps in the form of tax rebates). That way there are no excuses for those who wish to vote.
But we don't have that system. So we have what happened last November. I already wrote my immediate reaction to it but I'm going to expand a little bit on it.
One of the reasons I haven't said much is because there were too many rumors and such going about. I don't want to present misinformation and I'm not looking for clicks so no need to rush. Also as is my practice, when it comes to legal issues I'm more concerned with what would stand up in court vs. what would stand up in the court of opinion (which has a far lower threshold).
Much of what I read and heard was conjecture or could be dismissed as circumstantial evidence. As much as think affidavits are valid, what we are talking about here is determining the presidential election. One of the reasons is because a witness may actually have witnessed something but completely misunderstood what they saw. So they weren't lying, they just were mistaken.
I don't see, particularly after Bush-Gore, a court nullifying an election based on testimony that has no hard evidence to support it. As much as we'd like to think that the courts are not influenced by politics, that is not the case and it certainly is not the case when justices have images of rioting Antifa in their heads. Bush-Gore was one state. Can you imagine having to rule to nullify or change the outcome of multiple states? That's a lot of pressure.
So the issue is, is there actual evidence of fraud? I think so. First is the infamous F curve in Wisconsin.
The AP (and other MSM) have said that this curve is not indicative of fraud. Why? Because the absentee ballots is what did it.
Sorry. Not buying. We'll get to absentee ballots and ballots in general later. No curve works like that. So everyone who voted absentee voted for Biden? EVERYONE? And just enough of the votes were enough to put Biden over the top?
As I've written before, as someone who gambles, I know about variance. I've seen, and stomached big swings. They happen. But if I was looking at a graph of my results and saw that vertical line. I would be calling up the relevant gaming commission and asking for an audit. Of course in an election, unlike gambling, you don't lose counts. A vote is a vote so the curve always goes up. But that vertical line? That magically puts Biden on top and then continues on "normally"? No. Sorry.
But this is circumstantial. If we were in court a fair jury could reasonably conclude that the absentee ballot explanation is valid. So we then have to turn our attention to these absentee ballots.
This brings us to the Georgia video
And these won't be those who have been considered "wacky sovereign citizens" either. These will be masses of "average" people. These are people who watched that restaurant owner who was shut down by Governor Newsom show us how the same Governor allowed a movie crew to set up outdoor dining not 50 feet from her closed down business. They watched the NJ governor talk about how the Constitution was "above his pay grade". People who missed weddings, funerals and the deaths of their loved ones because they were "doing what they were told" while the authorities applauded and supported massive protests, saying that the cause was more important than the virus.
One of the outcomes of this mass delegitimizing of government is that many of those people will simply withdraw from participating in elections. This will leave the government in the hands of those who remain and the government will become more and more hostile to these dissidents, which is quite evident in states like NY and California. And while "conservatives" are not really the type to use police and military force against "fellow Americans", have no doubt that the ruling Democrats have no such qualms (see Waco). After all they will have convinced themselves that the targets of these actions are Nazis or Nazi-adjacent, which is to say, Nazi. And who wants to be the one calling for restraint when dealing with Nazis?
So yes, I think this election has presented the US with a ballot or bullet situation. Unless serious steps are taken to secure the vote regardless of what portion of the population is unhappy with what that entails (I'm looking at you people who don't want voter ID), the government itself will be illegitimate in the eyes of the citizenship. At no time in history does that end well.