Gosh it feels so nice to know that when people want something from me, particularly my vote, they think:
Makes my heart warm. Sho' nuff.
Yass boss. Slabery sho' was bad. SHo nuff don't want that coming back. Where I sign boss?
As you can see from the subhead of this blog, I keep a running count of days since Trump has been in office. Tavis Smiley said, straight up that Trump would make slavery come back. I kid you the fuck not. So I decided that I'd keep a count of how long it took Trump to put we folk back on plantations (getting rid of expensive Mexican day labourers in the process). As of this writing it is 836 days. Any day now. Any day.
They must be busy making the shackles.
Anyway, here's ol Joe:
“Folks,” the former vice president told an audience gathered inside a hot community center gymnasium, “last year, 24 states introduced or enacted at least 70 bills to curtail the right the vote. And guess what — mostly directed at people of color. You see it. We have Jim Crow sneaking back in.”Yas boss. You see it is racist to ask people to:
1) Be actual citizens of the US to vote.
During her 2018 campaign for governor of Georgia, Abrams told supporters there would be a "blue wave" of Democratic victories fueled by many people, including "those who are documented and undocumented." At the time, the Washington Free Beacon contacted her campaign for comment and did not hear back."Didn't hear back".
See this silly woman, with nary a peep from the DNC bigwigs said that illegal aliens should be able to vote. Say black folks why should your vote be nullified by the vote of someone who shouldn't even be in the country? Explain to me how getting our asses beat on the Edmund Pettus bridge was so that someone who shouldn't be here should be able to nullify our vote.
2) Get an ID to vote:
Let me give you an example of how assinine this one is. I missed a package delivery on Friday. They left a notice saying it would be delivered to a center that has "cubbies" where I could pick it up. However, in order to get the package not only did I need the delivery notice, I needed government issued ID. That ID had to have the same address as the location they had on file. Apparently, THIS is not racist. Clearly if expecting a person to have ID violated civil rights laws, then the delivery company could not requre it. Yet it is perfectly legal. This is important. To have the same requirement so that people don't do things like vote more than once. Vote where they are not residents. Vote when they are not eligible to vote because they are NOT citizens, is considered racist. Why? Because someone at the ACLU thinks that it is a racist burden to require a citizen to get a government issued ID. Not only that. Black people are apparently waaaaaaaaaay too busy in their lives to get this ID even for elections they know happens every 4 years. Talk about lead time. Lastly in regards to this comment from Biden:
And a few minutes after the Jim Crow remark, when talking about the need to “uplift” communities trapped in poverty and to end “the legacy of systemic racism,” Biden offered an allusion to an old Obama lament: “When two equally qualified people, one Jamal and one John, both apply for a job and John gets the job.”Depends on the job, in many cases, both Jamal and John will be told that they will hear back soon and Juan will be picked up at the local Home Depot parking lot.
Here's an example I wrote about in 2013:
“I’ve been turned down from McDonald’s because I was told I was too articulate,” she says. “I got denied a job scrubbing toilets because I didn’t speak Spanish and turned away from a laundromat because I was ‘too pretty.’ I’ve also been told point-blank to my face, ‘We don’t hire the unemployed.’ And the two times I got real interest from a prospective employer, the credit check ended it immediately.” [my underlines]Or as the people in Lordstown OH found out: Jamal and John will have the factory shut down and their job moved to Mexico so Juan and Maria can get a job at lower wages.
But don't you worry Jamal. At least you won't have to worry about slavery and Jim Crow coming back....any day now.