1) He's learned NOTHING from Hillary Clinton. In his announcement he went on a tirade against Trump saying that Trump is racist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist...I think that's it. Basically this is his own Basket of Deplorable comment. Right out the block. Because it implies, strongly that his supporters, about half the country, are also racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. So basically he's flipped off a good portion of the electoral college right out the gate. Good luck with that.
Well let me be careful with that last bit because with the demographic changes going on, in part due to the children of illegal aliens Democrats are hoping 2020 is the year that they tip enough states, not by convincing Americans they have better policies but by having imported a new voting block. We shall see.
2) He couldn't answer the "how to pay for medicare for all" question. When asked about how to pay for his medicare for all he said that prices would fall for doctor visits and for medication. Well that doesn't answer the question. I posted on the potential costs associated with medicare for all:
Medicare presently covers some 58 million people in one or more of its plans. The government last year spent $597 billion on these beneficiaries, representing about 14 percent of all government spending, and generating 3 percent of economic activity. Had the country extended coverage to all 323 million Americans in 2017, it would have cost Washington more than $2.6 trillion, almost 65 percent of the total budget, and over 75 percent of government revenues for the year.75% eh?
Someone pose this to Bernie. Oh and on top of that he wants free college tuition. Well, having blown 75% of the budget on medicare, how much would the free college tuition cost? And after that, what else gets paid for? Oh we don't have anything left? Welcome to Socialism. Perhaps the state can take 50% or more of your income to pay for all the free stuff Bernie is promising. And you can watch him spend it on people who at the time of ratification, didn't cross the newly abolished border. After all, no one is "illegal" and if YOUR quality of care, which you were taxed through to nose for, takes a nose dive, well that's what you signed up for...ennit?