Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Van meet Bus

Warning: This post contains some swear words. Otherwise known as profanity. You've been warned.

It was with a chuckle that I listened to the announcement that "Van" Jones was resigning from his job in the White House for essentially being "too black". The Irony.

I chuckled for a few reasons. First was that from the clips of what "Van" had reportedly said, not a single commentator actually said he was incorrect. For example, on the issue of Columbine, with the exception of the Asian kid at Virginia Tech, we do not have cases of black kids running up into schools, distraught over their treatment as "outsiders" by various cliques and shooting anyone in sight and then blowing off their own heads. Not reported. Ask an FBI profiler and they will tell you the same thing.
Is there violence in some predominantly black schools? Absolutely. But Mr. Jones was discussing a specific phenomenon and in that same clip even mentioned the contrast of black school violence.

Then there was the piece about 9-11. Where Mr. Jones apparently signed a petition where he and many others felt that the government did in fact know that an attack on the US was eminent. Well aside from the interview with Bin-Ladin where he explicitly mentioned the Twin Towers; and aside from certain facts like the CIA knowing a few of the hijackers and such and a whole lotta questions regarding those exercises that were going on that day, at that point in time you'd have to be a damn fool to not start questioning things. And since then the amount of lies and shady dealings that went on in the White House and Pentagon really underscores that even IF there was no government complicity in the attack there was definitely government complicity in the aftermath and that list is extremely long.

I won't even touch the "communist revolutionary" statement. When there are people in office, elected multiple times who believe such things as the Earth being about 5 grand years old and that people and dinosaurs were chillin' in Central Park. Who weep blood for single cells residing in a uterus but have absolutely no qualms dropping atomic bombs on various brown people the world over. They don't have much credibility to question the ideology of a college student figuring out his political identity. Ya heard?

But the real deal here is not about all of the above. Seriously. Look, lets lay this out here. This is about niggas in the White House. Full stop. Niggas in the White House who aren't going with the status quo and actually are planning new and innovative shit. Niggas ain't supposed to be doin' all that. Niggas are supposed to be in background fetching coffee and talking about race. Or on TV shakin' they asses. Niggas are supposed to be making failed states while hoarding money in Europe.

All this "hands off my medical insurance", and socialism and Obama as Hitler are proxies for raw, unmitigated race hate. When Garvey, the NAACP, King and others were agitating for a better America and world, Hoover and his fellow crackers threw the Communist book at them. The "thinking" being that Negroes are too stupid to think for themselves and needed communists to tell them what to do. This communism, socialism charge is just what it was back then: bullshit intellectual white sheets to cover up the ugly white supremacist that lurks within.

This has been most evident with the whole non-issue of president Obama giving a 1st day of school speech. These white supremacists are not mad because the president was to speak to their kids. It has always been an "honor" to have the president speak at any place in the country regardless of stripe. Like the president or not. Voted for the president or not. President shows up you show the proper respect afforded the office. Oh no, these people objected to the fact that this "son of a Kenyan" was going to stand up in front of their kids and speak to them and talk "black" to them. Mind you I will lay a thousand bucks right now that a good number of these people's kids are allowed to watch black folks make total asses of themselves on TV and it's OK with those parents.

But back to Van and why he should have seen this coming. If Mr. Jones was paying attention he would have noted that the Obama transition team had a fairly lengthy list of requirements for having a spot on Team Obama. One point was whether one had written or said anything that would be considered controversial. Now here's the rub, either Mr. Jones failed to disclose these "inflamatory" comments or when Team Obama looked them over they didn't think anything was wrong with them. If it was the latter then Mr. Jones was indeed betrayed by Team Obama, but he shouldn't be surprised.

Mr. Jones ought to recall that during the primary when Clinton asked Obama to denounce Min. Farrakhan, Obama's response was to use every D word he could think of. Never mind that the NOI has never burnt a cross on anyone's lawn. That the NOI has never been implicated in any hate crime whatsoever. That no members of the NOI have been implicated in racially motivated rapes, murders, assaults or destruction of property. Never mind all that. When a white person tells a black person whom to associate with, and that black person has "high office" in his or her eyes, you better believe that certain black people will meet the underside of a bus.

After that, we had the next Black-man with no backbone moment when in Philly, Obama had the unmitigated gall to compare the issues of black folk to that of his grandmamma clutching her purse. Like his granny EVER had to worry about being lynched cause she was in the wrong town when the sun went down. Like THAT chick ever had to be worried about being pulled over "just because". That whole speech was a slap in the face to black folk who, unfortunately, ate that shit up. You couldn't say a bad thing about Obama without black folk acting like you said something about their momma's momma. And white folks wept like Jesus in Gethsemane. Rev. Wright, the man who married Obama to his wife (who was by no small part why black women lined up for Obama), and gave Obama political legitimacy in Chicago, met the underside of the Obama bus.

So didn't Mr. Jones know that things come in threes? Did he really think that the president who shot his race wad on, of all people, Skip "I couldn't find negroes to work on Encyclopedia Africanna" Gates, and was thoroughly cuckolded by the press for it, was going to spend any more political capital defending a Negro who had the nerve to talk negatively about white folk in public? And on camera? See what Mr. Jones will come to understand is that there is a class of negroes out there that have absolutely no love for, but plenty of use for folk like us. See we're good to have around when a police officer shows up at the front door demanding ID. Or when they're humiliated by a local police officer for driving the wrong kind of car in the wrong type of neighborhood and get shown the "common man" treatment. Then all us "angry" negroes are called upon to blog about racism and shit like that. We're supposed to fall in line and defend these "bright spots" of our community who are "doing things". But when it's time for these big Negroes and Negresses to give us some backup, to perhaps push back on clear racism from those "high up racists": Meet the underside of the bus.

That's how it is. You can ask Biz.

[edit 11:47 AM EDT: "former" to "latter"]