Still Free

Yeah, Mr. Smiley. Made it through the entire Trump presidency without being enslaved. Imagine that.

Monday, October 07, 2024

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Angela Represents Everything Wrong...

 Watch this clip:

Notice that Byron correctly states the limits of qualified immunity. The host quotes what I assume is a Google search that he did. What does Angela do? She did what far to many black people do. Refuse to admit she was wrong.

There was a reader asking me why I "Changed". I didn't change, I refused to be that person who refused the truth because it contradicted some belief I had.  I would have had a great deal of respect for Angela if she had said: "I did not know that. I was misinformed and I withdraw the accusation I made."

But she cannot because she doesn't have principles like I do. That's why she's on the air and I remain an unknown.

Learned Nothing From 2020

Either a lot of people learned nothing from the government overreach during the Covid crisis, which IMO, was a crisis of government more than a medical crisis, OR a lot of people were and are OK with the government overreach. Either way, the linked article highlights what should be a non-starter with the public after the 2020 (and on) fiasco.

The founders of this country, the US, knew the dangers of safety-ism. They knew from experience that a scared people will allow tyranny to be implemented because it is the nature of humans to submit to "authority" when they don't feel safe.  During the scamdemic, governments around the world realized that if they scared the shit out of the public they could do anything without mass resistance. They discovered that they could order you to stay in your home. They could ticket you for walking down the street for "no good reason" because "Covid". They could shut down your business by revoking your licenses. Based on what offense? Because Covid. 

They demanded you be subject to medical battery in order to fly or keep your job.

They demanded you take an experimental medical product in order to keep or get a job.

And they all got away with it. Having gotten away with shit that should have at a minimum resulted in lost office holding and lost employment and more favorably,  jail time and summary execution (no I'm not kidding) They continue to turn the screws and way too many people are OK with it.

I pointed out years ago that "safety-ism" was going to be the tool to implement mass tyranny by government. The emotional blackmail of "but think of the kids" or "You don't want to kill grandma.." or "Too many lives lost" are emotional weapons. No one wants the kids hurt. No one wants grandma dead, and nobody wants to see someone die in a car crash.

Politicaly you can't say "fuck granny" nor "I don't care about..." which is actually the proper response to those attempting to emotionally blackmail you. 

When it comes to "speed enforcement" I long said that toll boths on highways are ripe for revenue generation because as you pass through them, your average speed can be calculated and it is is above the speed limit for that section of road, you could be sent a violation. This was *before* EZ pass. EZ pass is essentially a radar gun. States and counties could just mass ticket all motorist of pass under an EZ pass reader while doing more than the speed limit.

Anyone driving on an interstate or major state highway knows full well that if you do the speed limit, unless there is traffic, you better park in the right lane because you WILL be passed by everybody else.

On average vehicles are travelling 15-20 MPH  over the posted speed limit. If speed kills there would be a mass of dead people and NOBODY would be doing these speeds. Yet all the data shows that speed does not kill. What kills is inexperience, distraction and improperly maintained vehicles.

So here's how we know that Marco has no idea what this actual proposal is about.

"Safety activists and cyclist advocacy organizations are hailing its passing as a big win for everyone, while the National Motorists’ Association has been actively running a petition to prevent the bill from passing."

Ahh the "safety advocates" on cue.

"Any vehicle sold from 2030 onwards that has a front-facing camera or GPS guidance system will be required to provide a warning whenever drivers exceed 10 miles over the speed limit."

No driver is "accidentally" going 10MPH over a speed limit. At low speeds, most people are in "city traffic" and are following the vehicle ahead of them regardless of speed (up to a point). Most people simply follow the flow of traffic. And this proposal does nothing but add more distractions to the driver. Let me explain.

I have a 1997 BMW Z3. On the dash is the following:

Speedo, Tach, Fuel level, engine temp, miles. plus placeholders for "idiot lights" which are usually not illuminated. The radio has a one line screen. I connect my phone via BT. The volume is a knob and I have actual buttons I don't have to look at to use. The only time that car beeps or dings at me is if the door is open while the key is in the ignition. Did I mention the light orange glow?

The last time I had a loaner vehicle. The screen was bright as all hell. Gone was the light orange glow. Replacing it was a number of colors and animations. Yes, animations on the dashboard. Then we have the bright center screen where the nav map and other things appear. That's two screens worth of "info" compared to the ONE from back in 1997.

Then the beeping started. It didn't like how close I was to this lane marker or the other. Someone cut in front of me. An animation and more beeping as it throught I was going to have a rear-ender. Eventually I habituated to the noises, which then defeats the purpose of such warnings. I eventually dug into the menus to turn it off.

I'm trying to drive here.

I once had a guy back into me in a parking lot, despite the fact that he had "distance control" wailing at him that was getting to close. I'm pretty certain it was habituation from his car constantly beeping at him. But back to the article

"While nothing in the bill prevents more aggressive measures, such as the car automatically reducing speed once this overclocked limit is detected, or additional warnings related to speeds, it also makes it clear that this system must be able to be disengaged by the manufacturer or a ‘franchisee’—essentially the driver themselves."

You know they put speed limiters on trucks right?

For your safety. Never trust the "but we aren't doing that" argument.

" the bill only calls for a one-time warning, with audio and/or haptics. But the fact that it is not sustained will make this required minimum safety feature fairly easy to ignore or forget, even by well-meaning drivers with a bit of a lead foot."

Because the point of this is to habiuate YOU the driver to being monitored by the state via the manufacturer. Once you are habituated to this technology, then next shoe drops.

"While manufacturers are expressly permitted to go above and beyond these regulations, it’s likely they won’t unless drivers demand it."

No drivers, except those in government and manufacturing asked for this in the first place. I would place a large sum of money on a wager that no one outside the aforementioned "Safety activists" both inside and outside government even asked for such legislation in the first place.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Ladies, Y'all Have A Morality Problem

 I just saw this online and, honestly, I was shocked. Ladies, if this is you, you need to seriously re-evaluate your morals.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Why Don't They Take Over Apple And Get It Over With?

For those paying attention, the EU has become (or possibly always was meant to be) a total communist state. It can negate the national sovereignty of its member states practically at will. It has turned its sights on certain tech companies by making "rules' about how they can conduct business in EU states. Now I'm not against things like consumer protection but the EU has gone much further than that.

For example we have the later recinded letter to X in regards to Trump's interview. In that letter the EU apparatchik told Elon that he better watch out because they would come after him if there was...


Of course all sane, liberty loving people rejected that nonsense.  But the EU has shown that it is not at all concerned about the pesky low lives of those who fund it. 

In regards to Apple, they have been making demands like they have to open the platform to competing app stores. It is and was a bad ruling and the companies that benefit will probably live long enough to regret this power they have cheered on. Anyway, as a consumer I rejected this kind of nonsense because IF I was not satisfied with what Apple offered, I could get an Android based device (among other options). I have *no right* to an app store. I n fact I have personally disconnected myself from Apple IOS devices for other reasons.

If the EU was really interested in consumer protection, it would go after Apple for switching out people's bought and paid for music with versions of their own choosing. Or they could go after companies who tell you that you *purchased* an item when in reality it;s rented and can be remotely removed from your device (or blocked from read/watch/listening) at the will of the company. However; that's not the point here. This morning I saw a report on Apple Insider that just struck me as bullshit.

 Personally, I think Apple should tell them to stick the demand where the sun doesn't regularly shine and then block the entire EU from Apple products until this entity is brought to heel.

Apple specifies a standard for, as an example, USB-C connections to it's devices. There is code that applications have to use. Apple creates the phones and tablets and if a company wants to build for them, they have to use the standards provided. If Apple fails to provide these things or a company cannot implement them for whatever reason, then the company cannot exist for THAT product. Boo hoo, next idea.

It is not the place of government to tell a private business how it should create its products (outside of a very narrow set of circumstances). It certainly does not have the right to tell it that it must do x, y or z for the benefit of it's competitors. That's what the market does. I grew dissatisfied with Apple and moved to Xiaomi devices. I'm happy with them and have no plans to return to IOS for personal use. I don't want the government to force Apple to make me a happy customer. 

Ultimately this overreach, in my opinion, this overreach reveals the actual reason for the EU. It is a fascist or communist entity which sees private businesses as it's property. The EU is becoming a not so "silent partner" in too many businesses and it needs to be stopped.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Here's What...

 I have discussed the use of NLP in various publications. In recent years I noticed that print publications had been using "command" language in order to manipulate their readers. Usually it's in the form "here's what" or "here's how". This prompt conditions the  mind to accept "programming". The conscious person is aware of it and will reject the programming while those unaware will accept the programming. That is the conscious person will filter what comes next because they consciously recognize the prompt and their conscious mind can run "interference".

I have lived long enough that I can remember that there was a time when such "here's how..." headlines were not common at all. I was not mistaken:

Notice that huge uptick in the late 80s that then ramped up dramatically through the 2000s and thus far peaked in 2020. We know that 2020 was when we experienced perhaps the most blatant amounts of propaganda and programming ever known in the US and around the world. What is interesting is the delay in British English usage.

While British English saw an increase it decreased and then exploded in use .

Here's another example. Another direct command:

 For some reason after 2000, publishers really felt that people should be angry.

Oh and for some reason, Americans are talking about Nazis at a rate nearing that of when actual Nazis were running around in the 1940s.

Pretty sure these are all coincidental.

So How Did It Get That Way

 So Apple CEO Tim Cook made comments about why Apple is so heavily invested in China. Now we know that China represents a huge market so that in of itself is a reason. But the interesting thing about his commentary is how his observations are completely disconnected from history. 

"Apple CEO Tim Cook addressed common misconceptions surrounding the tech giant's decision to manufacture in China, offering insight into the real reasons behind the company's reliance on the country, in a throwback interview that has recently gone viral again."

"Common misconception". This is the setup.

" "The popular conception is that companies come to China because of low labor costs. I'm not sure what part of China they go to, but the truth is China stopped being the low labor costs country many years ago," Tim Cook stated,"

So in this comment he admits that the reason businesses went to China in the first place was low labour costs. So it's not so much a "misconception" as it is possibly outdated information. 

"Cook highlighted the unparalleled concentration of skilled labour in China as the primary reason for Apple's manufacturing presence there. He elaborated on the advanced tooling and precision required to produce Apple's products, noting that China's vocational expertise in these areas is unmatched globally."

Say Mr. Cook. How did China get such a concentration of skilled labour? How did they get such expertise in "advanced tooling"? How did they get such an "unmatched" vocational expertise?

These terms used to refer to US workers and US industry. 

What happened is that businesses went to China for low labour costs which undercut the domestic US labour market and decimated cities across the US. The transfer of production to China enabled them to gain the upper hand on manufacturing while also having lower labour costs (and environmental regulations, VERY important).  

Once all this manufacturing expertise was exported, China then could produce employees with the necessary skills because there were jobs to be had. Conversely, as the manufacturing left the US, the demand for the expertise dropped. Why supply where there is no or little demand. This spirals out till you get the following:

""The tooling skill is very deep here. In the US, you could have a meeting of tooling engineers, and I'm not sure we could fill the room. In China, you could fill multiple football fields.""

Well, first you don't need multiple football fields worth of tooling engineers. Secondly, China's population dwarfs the US population so yeah. But the real point here is that of course you'd have more tooling engineers in China, that's where the tooling jobs went. That "great sucking sound" Ross Perot talked about with NAFTA didn't just apply to Mexico and Canada.

So essentially Cook is telling us that they set up China to succeed while killing the US manufacturing and US labour can suck it and buy an iPad and be glad they don't get censored.

Friday, August 30, 2024

This Is Why

If you want to know why Type II diabetes is an epidemic WORSE than the Covid mess, look no further than the diet. Millions of people drink the below "food' and others like it. Then when something like COVID hits, they want to limit how YOU, who don't eat this junk, live.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Behavior Science Journal Backs "Racist" Theory?

 If you have frequented "race realist" circles you are well aware of the theory that the reason for black "underachievement" is the direct result of genetics. Blacks generally score a standard deviation below that of whites and nearly 2 SDs from Asians (which is rarely, if ever mentioned). It is also noted that blacks, AA's in particular have far higher violent crime rates than whites and Asians (which again is rarely if every mentioned).  Persons in this sphere point out the higher rates of a particular gene responsible for aggression (and therefore impulse control) in black populations relative to non-black populations.

Here is Nature discussing genetic associations between "non-cognitive skills" and academic performance.

"Non-cognitive skills, such as motivation and self-regulation, are partly heritable and predict academic achievement beyond cognitive skills. However, how the relationship between non-cognitive skills and academic achievement changes over development is unclear. The current study examined how cognitive and non-cognitive skills are associated with academic achievement from ages 7 to 16 years in a sample of over 10,000 children from England and Wales."

So this is a study of white children generally.

"The results showed that the association between non-cognitive skills and academic achievement increased across development.  "
Twin and polygenic scores analyses found that the links between non-cognitive genetics and academic achievement became stronger over the school years.

So as a child develops these genetic traits have more and more an influence on their academic achievement. So what are these "non-cognitive skills"?

"Children who are emotionally stable, motivated and capable of regulating their attention and impulses do better in school, independent of their level of cognitive (Cog) ability"

So children who are able to "pay attention" and control their impulses tend to do better in school. We could argue that the same goes non-academic settings, like jobs, potential conflicts, etc. It's not like these skills "turn off" when a child exits a school setting.

The panoply of non-cognitive skills that predict better educational outcomes can be organized into three partly overlapping domains: motivational factors, self-regulatory strategies and personality traits9.

A polygenic score (PGS) constructed from these GWAS results predicts higher levels of self-control18, more adaptive personality traits (higher conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness to experience) and greater academic motivation19. Additionally, previous GWAS work has identified associations between DNA variants and EA that were independent of cognitive test performance, essentially performing a GWAS of non-cognitive skills20. The genetics of non-cognitive skills were found to be related to conscientiousness, openness to experience, delay of gratification and health-risk behaviours20. [my underlines]

So there are strong genetic components to these traits. Gratification delay and non-involvement in risky life behaviors (like, oh, crime) are among these traits. 

"For example, the association between self-rated education-specific non-cognitive skills and academic achievement increased from r = 0.10 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.07 to 0.14) at 9 years of age, to r = 0.41 (95% CI 0.38 to 0.44) at 12 years of age and to r = 0.51 (95% CI 0.48 to 0.55) at 16 years of age"

 So these traits become *more pronounced* in their effects as children age. This actually falls in line with crime stats.

"The same pattern of associations was observed also when considering achievement in English and mathematics, separately (Supplementary Table 16). This observed increase in the NonCog PGS prediction of academic achievement over development is consistent with transactional models of gene–environment correlation (rGE), driven by NonCog genetics."[My underlines]

This also would explain the lack of blacks in the high levels of mathematics, physics, and related hard science fields. 

Understand that they did *NOT* compare results by race. *I* am expanding their results into the racial realm. It would not be difficult at all to repeat this study among various ethnic and racial groups and compare relative gene frequency and expression.