Thursday, July 28, 2022

They Are Stalinists

 It has always been the habit of rulers to disappear their enemies. There is a story of a pharaoh  who removed the name of a then unfavored "god". Stalin had people removed from pictures. Mao wanted to remove the "4 olds". In other times there were book burnings and the like. Whenever you see history being destroyed or changed, know that you are not dealing with "good" people.  A while back I came out against the removal of confederate statues and other historical items that had been deemed (and may have actually been) racist. I saw the danger in such a movement because I knew that the circle always grows and things that are safe at one time will soon become "unsafe".

During the COVID lockdowns, I made many posts where I later discovered the linked text had been changed or the entire article removed because it contradicted the "authorities". I took to making screenshots so that I would have the evidence. This behavior is growing and if "regular people" don't start speaking up about it, it will get worse. Latest example is wikipedia (again actually).

Wikipedia is not the only outlet acting as the propaganda arm of the Biden regime. And yes, I'm going to be using the term regime (as used in reference to other authoritarians) because it is clear to anyone with clear eyes what's going on.

 They "redefined vaccine from something that prevents a target disease to something that mitigates symptoms and you all let them get away with it.

They have been "redefining" Woman and y'all have been letting them get away with it.

They are allowing adults to groom children in schools YOU PAY FOR, and y'all haven't made a single one of them reside in a jail cell (at a minimum).

Now they are redefining "recession" simply to avoid having Biden look bad. 

This is why I do not watch any mainstream news media. None of them.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Clifton Duncan



Watch. I am quite angry (to put it mildly) about how my 20+ years at my former job ended over me asserting my right to decide what medical treatment I will and will not take. But I'm not waiting tables and I have marketable skills...and I could play blackjack for high stakes if I got really desperate 


I recall back in the day watching an interview with Kwame Ture's mother and how she had wished the worst cancer on the people who went after her son only for Kwame to pass from prostate cancer. I have long lived by the idea that I would never wish bad [medical] things on people who did me wrong. I'll be honest though, these past two years has really put that to the test. It is not how well you stick to your beliefs when things are good, but how you stick to them when EVERY damn thing is on the line. When it's the food on your table; the roof over your head; having to  say "no" to daughters and sons.

There's a comedy sketch by Eddie Murphy (I believe, I heard it on a mix tape so I cannot confirm) where he talks about African slaves getting off the ship and being told to pick cotton ( work with him here). He jokes about how at first the African slaves were like, "I'm not picking shit!"  and then the whips came out and they all changed their minds "We'll pick the cotton! just back off with that whip!" Joke got a lot of laughs, but the underlying truth is there. Most of us, unfortunately including a lot of black folks, including the ones who put me out, decided to "pick the cotton" and willingly sacrificed the "rebellious negro"

So it's nice to see another rebel.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Note How They Roll

 So back in the day KRS-ONE had a track that featured the line: "

 But when they come to arrest a black man, they need forty cops or more...
That is, they come with overwhelming force. The only reason for me referencing that line is because I am of the belief that the state abuses on black citizens would eventually be applied to the wider population. Below is an example:

Here's a screengrab I want to highlight:

First thing is that the individual being questioned here is not a suspect in any crime whatsoever. The government has absolutely *ZERO* reasons to be at his home. What he should have said is that they need to come back with a warrant (which I  know would be a sham but you put them through the process anyway). That said, that this homeowner (and gun owner) was not a suspect in any crime whatsoever, look how "heavy" these three individuals are.

First, if you're just asking questions, then why are there three armed persons?  All at various points to make sure they have clear line of fire (which changes in the video). The message is clear. If these agents don't like what they see or hear, they will kill the home owner, who, I'll repeat how. not committed a crime nor is a suspect in any crime.

Recognize this for what it is.

Neil Oliver on Agenda 2030


I was discussing this issue with a friend of mine. I recognize the climate change agenda for what it is but I AM and environmentalist. I have written here about my concern with the the removal of trees and other greenery which, if you don't know, converts CO2 to energy and gives off O2 (the thing we need to live) as a byproduct.

Similarly during the ongoing "mask madness" I have expressed concern about the mass amount of waste that these masks represent in addition to the fact that they do not do anything to stop transmission.

There is one point that Neil makes about the wish to make "the west" live "colder and hungrier"  lives. I think that, if true, it is really a "revenge of the colonized" scenario at play. That is, these leaders either mad due to "white supremacy" or deep in guilty feelings for being white, want to make "the west" pay by bringing down the lifestyles. It's the "as long as it hurts whitey it's OK" mentality that is present in black communities in America.

Anyway, Neil lays out things that CNN, FOX, MSNBC, NPR will not bring to your attention. I'll also remind the reader that none other than Michael Moore made a video covering the same issue which was promptly memory holed.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022


 NPR is a propaganda organization that is funded (at least in part) by the US government.  Of course this means they are trash when it comes to covering politics that isn't left. Witness some of the new nonsense.

Through a wave of pandemic-related litigation, a trio of small but mighty conservative legal blocs has rolled back public health authority at the local, state and federal levels, recasting America's future battles against infectious diseases.

Say, where did the "public health" get their "authority? Given this piece came out after the SCOTUS ruling in regards to the EPA you'd think NPR would ask this basic question,.

"Galvanized by what they've characterized as an overreach of COVID-related health orders issued amid the pandemic, lawyers from the three overlapping spheres — conservative and libertarian think tanks, Republican state attorneys general, and religious liberty groups — are aggressively taking on public health mandates and the government agencies charged with protecting community health."

"What they've characterized as an overreach."

SCOTUS said so too. Not only in regards to the EPA but also the CDC. 

""That's the arena where these decisions are being made, but it's the fundamental constitutional principles that underlie it that are an issue.""

Yeah, I've been saying the same thing.  I have two extensive videos where I discuss the form of the US government and the limited powers and separation of powers. NPR seems to find this a strange thing.

"In Wisconsin, a conservative legal center won a case before the state Supreme Court stripping local health departments of the power to close schools to stem the spread of disease."

The power wasn't stripped. It didn't belong to the health departments in the first place.  Most states and state agencies have the power to detain individuals and quarantine spaces for specific causes until the situation is remedied or some limited amount of time (usually no longer than 30 days). What these health departments decided was that they could be THE GOVT and rule by edict for an indefinite period of time. 

"In Missouri, the Republican state attorney general waged a campaign against school mask mandates. Most of the dozens of cases he filed were dismissed but nonetheless had a chilling effect on school policies."

We already know masks do not work. The only people wearing the things are those who have been forced to or are virtue signalling. 

"n California, a lawsuit brought by religious groups challenging a health order that limited the size of both secular and nonsecular in-home gatherings as COVID-19 surged made it to the U.S. Supreme Court. There, the conservative majority, bolstered by three staunchly conservative justices appointed by former President Donald Trump, issued an emergency injunction finding the order violated the freedom to worship."

Those durn enumerated rights. Meanwhile these "leaders" were having their own parties.

"Other cases have chipped away at the power of federal and state authorities to mandate COVID vaccines for certain categories of employees, or thwarted a governor's ability to declare emergencies."

Where NPR comes out against bodily autonomy and the idea that individuals should make their own medical decisions without the interference of government OR employers.

And folks wonder why I have no sympathy for those affected by the recent SCOTUS decision. "Pro-Choice" people (particularly women) have been at the forefront of the vaccine mandate push. So they can bite me in regards to Roe.

"Public health experts say it has endangered the fundamental tools that public health workers have utilized for decades to protect community health: mandatory vaccinations for public school children against devastating diseases "

Nope. You all did this to yourselves by lying to the public. Resorting to censorship of those with contradictory (or actual) evidence. Resorting to blackmail and outright threats to peoples lives and livelihoods. With all the lying about these mRNA products, what sane person would NOT be asking questions about all the other "mandatory" biological products?

Furthermore, many state laws that govern "public health" agencies specifically bar forcing vaccinations (or medical intervention) on any person. Yet even where these specific limits are on the books, they have still done this mandating. Why? Because the courts themselves are in on it and will not rule against themselves.

"and the use of quarantines to stem that spread."

State governments (at least the ones I've looked at) already have the power to quarantine an infected person. Nobody is challenging that. The problem is that these officials created the "asymptomatic spreader" in order to label millions of people as presumed infected (never mind the survival rates) and then imposed draconian lockdowns that did far more harm than more targeted interventions would have.

"Connecticut Attorney General William Tong, a Democrat, decried the wave of litigation in what he called a "right-wing laboratory." He said he has not lost a single case where he was tasked with defending public health powers, which he believes are entirely legal and necessary to keep people alive. "


Well sure you haven't lost. And that underscores another issue which I think is growing larger and larger with each passing year: The breaking up of America.


Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Hero and Zero

 Hero: Djokovic who stood firm on bodily autonomy.


Absolute Zero: Berkeley Law Professor Khiara Bridges talking utter nonsense.

You know I'm growing reaaly weary of black folks who should know better and who know they were raised better, spouting off this nonsense. 

Men cannot get pregnant. A man is an adult human male. No amount of hormones, surgeries or strong wishes will change that.

Saturday, July 09, 2022

Another "About Them Roads" Episode.

 During the "stay at home" phase of the pandemic back in 2020 I posted a few videos from various African countries showing the state of roads as well as working conditions that upend the whole black American "I am oppressed" narrative. Today we visit another episode. This one is from Sierra Leone:

I'm going to post a few screen grabs.,

Broken windshield and look at that road.  So much for vehicle inspection.

"The people can hire their own contractors to build the roads..."

Say how long has this road been in this condition?

This will not be the last "below ground level" road we will be posting.

 Tow truck? What tow truck? Anyone have AAA?

Imagine you have to travel with a "bush mechanic"...

Yes, rocks to get traction in another "below ground level" road that no one has seen fit to "hire a contractor" to fix. Oh there will be bald tires. Many bald tires. Tread? Who needs tread.

Taking a break from the roads for a minute. Who knows about Charcoal stoves? I do. You still complaining about your out of date kitchen?

She lives in a 10'x10' room with 3 children. Nets for mosquitoes. Gotta avoid that malaria.

What does she and her *children* do to earn a living? Break rocks. This is a common theme all over Africa. Y'all over here bending knees over some crack head while you beat the odds of this being you and your children.

This is supposedly a "main trade route between Sierra Leone and neighboring Liberia. There's a lot being said here. Mind you I have seen other trade routes in far better condition. 

Another "below ground level" road. As usual truck is stuck. No contractors working.

The guy in the purple is NOT helping the stuck truck get out. He's clearing a path for *his* vehicle to get around the truck. Ujima anyone?
Maximum load rating? Pssshaawwww.

Thursday, July 07, 2022

Gas Pump Prices For Dummies

 I used to be a dummy when it came to gas prices at the pump.  I never could figure out why the price shot up quickly but was slow to come down. I'm not a dummy about it any more though. Apparently Joe Biden is a dummy and thinks you are too. So this post is about how and why gasoline prices are quick to rise and slow to fall.

Lets take a scenario where a gallon of gas costs $1.00 for easy math.  Lets say the gas station has a 10k gallon tank to hold the gasoline. Say it is full. That's $10,000 of gasoline sales. Say they have a profit margin of 10c ($.10). So when they sell all that gasoline they have made  $1,000 (10% of the sale price)

They buy the next 10k gallons of gas for $9000 and repeat the process. Each time they sell 10k gallons of gas they make $1,000.

Now along comes a world event and it now costs them $11,000 to buy that same 10k gallons of gasoline.  Well there went their entire profit from the previous sales. Not only that, they have to dip into their cash reserves to fill that 10k gallon tank.Price is going up. Now they have to sell that gas for at least 1.20 to make up what they lost AND get a profit.


But wait. Imagine that while they are between purchases, more world events are happening and the expected price has risen to $12,000! Then $13,000. Well if you know you have to spend $13,000 in the near future to fill that 10k gallon tank. You have to raise prices at the pump right now. So now we're talking $1.40 to $1.50 a gallon charged due to expected costs.

So now you gotta re-up that 10k gallon tank and the bill is $20,000. If you don't have reserves you're out of business. If you have reserves you pay that price and guess what. Price at the pump is now $3.00-$4.00/gallon.

That's effectively what happened recently. Any price dips you've seen is due to gas taxes, which is usually larger than the gas station profits being reduced or suspended.

Say that the cost to fill that 10k gallon tank drops from $20,000 to $15,000. That's nice but since the gas station had to hit it's reserves to pay for that last delivery the price at the pump is not going down until that delivery is used up.  Otherwise the gas station is literally paying the customer to put gas into their tanks.

That's not how businesses survive.

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Not A Serious Country

 In the least bit.

Oh wow. Well what citizens are having their rights trampled by Arizona


The Justice Department sued Arizona on Tuesday over a new state law requiring proof of citizenship to vote in a presidential election, saying the Republican-imposed restrictions are a “textbook violation” of federal law.

So the federal government is suing Arizona because it passed a law stating that one has to be a citizen to vote in presidential elections.


But wait:


 "Arizona’s law, which Gov. Doug Ducey, a Republican, signed in March, requires voters to prove their citizenship to vote in a presidential election, like showing a birth certificate or passport. It also mandates that newly registered voters provide a proof of address, which could disproportionately affect people with limited access to government-issued identification cards. Those include immigrants, students, older people, low-income voters and Native Americans."

Oh it's the old Leftist bullshit about how "minorities" apparently cannot get or produce proof of citizenship and address. Never mind that everywhere where these laws have been passed, record turnout of blacks (in particular) have occurred. 

This is total bullshit and I'm tired of "minorities" grasping onto racist tropes about themselves in order to score political points. Get some self-respect.

Monday, July 04, 2022

Garvey's Ghost TV 7-4-2022: Return Of The Constitution




Commentary on recent SCOTUS rulings

Saturday, July 02, 2022

A Proposal For NY's New Gun Law

So NY State passed legislation that designated just about the entire city as a "special zone" in line with the recent ruling by SCOTUS. I have little argument with NY because it was and is SCOTUS's fault for not understanding the meaning of the term "shall not be infringed". Had they understood that then they would understand that they needed to say that an amendment to the US Constitution would be necessary for any infringement. Instead they recognize this "state interest" and "special conditions" that Scalia wrongfully wrote about.

That said, I have a proposal that could bridge the gap between the continued infringement of The Second and those who wish to exercise their right. I take this from the recent suit against gun manufacturer over the use of an AR in Sandy Hook as well as a proposal in California that gun owners purchase insurance.

Quite simply, a federal law should be passed that allows anyone who is a victim of a crime in any location with a gun ban of any kind that the victim had to comply with in order to go about their legal business, to sue said municipality. So, looking at NYS. If you are walking in a park where your firearm (or other non-firearm weapon) is prohibited by law and you are accosted and robbed, assaulted or survive an attempted murder, the state of NY is legally on the hook since it abridged your right to bear arms and rendered you defenseless. 

Now they cannot be held criminally liable as that falls on the assailant. However; since they abridged your right to bear arms, your civil rights have been violated and resulted in damages and thus the state should be liable.  Furthermore if the city has laws that are more restrictive than the state ones then they would also be liable.

Of course given the high levels of crime in NYC (and other NYS cities) the legal costs would make the legislatures reconsider their laws.

It's not like Hochul and the rest don't know that criminals won't pay a second of attention to these laws. They are not meant to curb crime. It is meant to make sure the only people with guns are state agents. 


You figure it out.