Sunday, July 24, 2022

Neil Oliver on Agenda 2030


I was discussing this issue with a friend of mine. I recognize the climate change agenda for what it is but I AM and environmentalist. I have written here about my concern with the the removal of trees and other greenery which, if you don't know, converts CO2 to energy and gives off O2 (the thing we need to live) as a byproduct.

Similarly during the ongoing "mask madness" I have expressed concern about the mass amount of waste that these masks represent in addition to the fact that they do not do anything to stop transmission.

There is one point that Neil makes about the wish to make "the west" live "colder and hungrier"  lives. I think that, if true, it is really a "revenge of the colonized" scenario at play. That is, these leaders either mad due to "white supremacy" or deep in guilty feelings for being white, want to make "the west" pay by bringing down the lifestyles. It's the "as long as it hurts whitey it's OK" mentality that is present in black communities in America.

Anyway, Neil lays out things that CNN, FOX, MSNBC, NPR will not bring to your attention. I'll also remind the reader that none other than Michael Moore made a video covering the same issue which was promptly memory holed.