Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Not A Serious Country

 In the least bit.

Oh wow. Well what citizens are having their rights trampled by Arizona


The Justice Department sued Arizona on Tuesday over a new state law requiring proof of citizenship to vote in a presidential election, saying the Republican-imposed restrictions are a “textbook violation” of federal law.

So the federal government is suing Arizona because it passed a law stating that one has to be a citizen to vote in presidential elections.


But wait:


 "Arizona’s law, which Gov. Doug Ducey, a Republican, signed in March, requires voters to prove their citizenship to vote in a presidential election, like showing a birth certificate or passport. It also mandates that newly registered voters provide a proof of address, which could disproportionately affect people with limited access to government-issued identification cards. Those include immigrants, students, older people, low-income voters and Native Americans."

Oh it's the old Leftist bullshit about how "minorities" apparently cannot get or produce proof of citizenship and address. Never mind that everywhere where these laws have been passed, record turnout of blacks (in particular) have occurred. 

This is total bullshit and I'm tired of "minorities" grasping onto racist tropes about themselves in order to score political points. Get some self-respect.