Saturday, July 09, 2022

Another "About Them Roads" Episode.

 During the "stay at home" phase of the pandemic back in 2020 I posted a few videos from various African countries showing the state of roads as well as working conditions that upend the whole black American "I am oppressed" narrative. Today we visit another episode. This one is from Sierra Leone:

I'm going to post a few screen grabs.,

Broken windshield and look at that road.  So much for vehicle inspection.

"The people can hire their own contractors to build the roads..."

Say how long has this road been in this condition?

This will not be the last "below ground level" road we will be posting.

 Tow truck? What tow truck? Anyone have AAA?

Imagine you have to travel with a "bush mechanic"...

Yes, rocks to get traction in another "below ground level" road that no one has seen fit to "hire a contractor" to fix. Oh there will be bald tires. Many bald tires. Tread? Who needs tread.

Taking a break from the roads for a minute. Who knows about Charcoal stoves? I do. You still complaining about your out of date kitchen?

She lives in a 10'x10' room with 3 children. Nets for mosquitoes. Gotta avoid that malaria.

What does she and her *children* do to earn a living? Break rocks. This is a common theme all over Africa. Y'all over here bending knees over some crack head while you beat the odds of this being you and your children.

This is supposedly a "main trade route between Sierra Leone and neighboring Liberia. There's a lot being said here. Mind you I have seen other trade routes in far better condition. 

Another "below ground level" road. As usual truck is stuck. No contractors working.

The guy in the purple is NOT helping the stuck truck get out. He's clearing a path for *his* vehicle to get around the truck. Ujima anyone?
Maximum load rating? Pssshaawwww.