Friday, October 22, 2021

Intravenous Injections

So the directions given by the makers of The Shots have said that The Shot should be given into the muscle and not put into the bloodstream. The theory has been floating that the circulating spike protein, mRNA and heart issues are the result of improper jabbing. Explained below:

A couple of points I think should be made here:

1) They are admitting to what we said months and months ago, that the spike protein itself is dangerous. 

2) That if The Shots are leaking and that material gets to other systems the results could be deadly.

3) No-effing-body is going to be held accountable for this issue even though it was known from the jump that at a minimum there should be practices in place to make sure The Shot didn't get put into the bloodstream.

Again, this is why you wait for long term studies. 

Now some of my own theorizing.

We know that evidence of infection can be detected in feces. Hence we know that the virus, or particles from it, can pass through "barriers".  We know that the virus can be detected in urine

That would mean it either crossed the "barrier" in the kidneys or the blood vessels of the bladder itself.

The theory behind The Shot is that it is given in the deltoid

You can see the relatively large blood vessels in that area. The idea is that the shot into the muscle would produce the spike protein which would be picked up by certain cells in the immune system and carried into closely lymphatic vessels where the system would produce anti-bodies


The mRNA that make up The Shot tell the cell to produce the spike protein which is then taken to the cell membrane as a means of telling the immune system what it looks like. How does mRNA usually work?

"Directions for making proteins are encoded in the DNA sequences of genes, which reside on chromosomes in the nucleus of each cell. But for proteins to be made, a gene’s DNA code must be copied, or transcribed, onto mRNA molecules, which migrate from the nucleus and into the cytoplasm where the cell’s protein-making machinery is located. For as long as it exists, an mRNA molecule can act as a template for making copies of a protein. So scientists have long suspected that cells must have ways for degrading mRNAs when, for example, a protein starts accumulating to harmful levels. “The cell somehow decides to destroy its mRNA on cue, but nobody knew how this happens,” said Dr. Singer."

Remember that The Shots are not DNA into mRNA as described above. It's mRNA directly introduced into the cytoplasm (via carrier...yes....).

Remarkably, the researchers found that these mRNAs are, in effect, born with molecular “self-destruct timers” that ultimately destroy them.

When genes are transcribed, a part of the gene called the promoter region has the job of switching on the gene so that DNA will be copied into mRNA. The Einstein scientists found that the promoter regions of the SWI5 and CLB2 genes do something else as well: they recruit a protein called Dbf2p, which jumps onto mRNA molecules as they’re being synthesized. 

Again, the mRNA introduced has to have some kind of self-destruct protein on it.

Our findings indicate that genes making proteins whose levels must be carefully controlled contain promoter regions that sentence their mRNA molecules to death even as the mRNA is being born,” said Dr. Singer. “The promoter regions do that by ‘marking’ the newly made mRNA with the protein Dbf2p—the common factor between mRNA synthesis and its ultimate decay. Dbf2p stays attached to the mRNA from its birth and then, responding to a signal indicating that no more protein should be made, orders mRNA’s destruction.” 

So the protein attached to the mRNA responds to a signal indicating that no more protein should be made? Ok. Exactly what signal is the human cell that never created the mRNA using to tell the mRNA to self-destruct?

I'm not saying there *isn't* one in The Shot.  I'm asking that assuming there *is* one, WHEN is the "die" signal sent? What event triggers the "die" signal? Exactly how much protein has to be created before this "die" signal is given? 

What if the "die" signal is never given AND instead the production of spike protein by these cells is only stopped when killer cells either destroy the cell itself or the cell is given the "die now" command by the immune system? 

And if it's a "die now" scenario, what happens to any mRNA that hasn't received its "die" signal? Does it float around the body until it finds somewhere else? 

Do the spike proteins get to float around until they are expelled in feces and urine (perhaps)?

How about this: A person who has been previously infected by a corona virus and therefore has enough immunity in that if they "see" the spike protein, they immediately instruct cell death. No waiting period while the immune system "learns" about the nature of the protein. So the mRNA hasn't reached it's "die now" stage and is immediately released into the intracellular space and so on.

This is not something alien to medicine

In addition to endogenous mRNA, the presence of extracellular mRNA in extracellular vesicles (EVs), such as microvesicles and exosomes, has been reported2,3,4,5,6. EV-derived mRNA can be transferred to other cells, where these are translated into corresponding proteins in vitro3,4 and in vivo5,6.

This study demonstrates for the first time that mRNA is itself utilized as an intercellular messenger molecule with nuclear functions. When mRNA is in a subnuclear location, it is expected to have a different function from translation dictated by the central dogma. 

So yes, mRNA can be in exosomes, be transferred to other cells and be translated there. Yes, mRNA can exist in outside the cell and "do things" without the encapsulation. How many people have had their Shot move from the deltoid to [enter body part]? 

There are people smarter than me and who are more familiar with this than I am who can possibly answer these questions.  At the very least, if you're going to get The Shot(s), make them aspirate first.