Friday, October 22, 2021

Dr. Ardis

 Just watched this video and had to share:



 A few notes:

1) His discussion of Remdesivir explains a lot about what happened in March and why so many people have mentioned kidney damage.

2) Did not know that Quercetin was essentially HCQ.  I knew it was a Zinc ionophore but was unaware that it was an analog to HCQ.  Along with that I was unaware of woodroot as a replacement for IVM. Woodroot is available OTC at popular vitamin stores. Just saying.

3) I don't think the level of supplementation he suggests is necessary.  Of course individual circumstances would dictate different levels of supplementation. Also, this is why you don't do one size fits all medicine.

4) Per the recommendation for natural vitamin D production (actually a hormone), If you are dark skinned you'll need to double or quadruple that time out, particularly if you are above the 30th parallel (northern US and Canada). I don't know which parallel is equivalent in the southern hemisphere.

If what this guy is saying is right, then Fauci ought to be put to death by firing squad in a public execution and all state actors and private companies that have mandated shots under threats of extortion should be imprisoned for no less than 25 years and have all their assets seized and distributed to injured parties.