Thursday, March 11, 2021

Compare And Contrast: Obama, Trump, Biden and Black Unemployment

 Here I was back in  Dec 2016:

"Now what is important to note is the sheer number of black people in the video. Now it is entirely possible that this was staged like many companies do. However; that is Mississippi. Lots of black folks there. All those black folks with higher wages than before thanks to the idea of bringing jobs BACK. Black folks stand to win with less illegal immigration and even legal immigration. Black folks stand to win with an America first ideology that brings back or creates manufacturing jobs that can employ those persons not particularly suited for jobs requiring advanced education.

It will be rather interesting if during the presidency of a Republican (in name only?) black unemployment drops significantly."

 Here I was in Feb 2018:

"In May 2017, the Trump administration sent letters to about 800 employees, saying they weren’t authorized to work in the United States, records examined by the Chicago Sun-Times show.

Those Hispanic employees didn’t return to work, leaving the bakery desperate to fill their jobs. So the company turned to another placement agency, Metro Staff Inc., and it provided Cloverhill with workers screened through the government’s “E-Verification” program. Most of those new employees are African American."


So in about a year of Trump taking office, employment for African-Americans increased. By the time 2020 rolled around African-Americans had the lowest unemployment rate in decades.

Ed French, owner of Elgin-based Metro Staff Inc., says his company became the main provider of workers for the bakery and that about 80 percent of them are black. According to French, workers at the bakery were paid slightly less before his company was hired two and a half years ago — with wages up by about 25 cents an hour, to just above minimum wage.

AND got paid more.

From Politico:

Black unemployment

In West Salem, Wisconsin, on Tuesday, the president claimed the unemployment rate for African Americans had reached the lowest level ever recorded “in a short period of time.”

Under the Trump administration, the Black unemployment rate steadily improved, dropping to 5.4 percent at its bottom in August 2019, compared to 7.5 percent when Trump took office in January 2017. But that achievement is attributable to economic growth that was already revving when Trump took office, economists say.

So to recap so far. When Obama was president these companies were getting away with putting [illegal] aliens ahead of African-Americans. Trump came into office and reversed all that. Now Biden is in office.

Oh whoops.

Conversely, though, the overall Black unemployment rate shot up from 9.2% to 9.9%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

When broken down along gender, the jump was even higher for Black men, whose unemployment rate hit double-digits after going from 9.4% in January to 10.2% in February.

February was a reverse for Black men, whose unemployment rate has been dropping since October when it was at 11.5%. But the opposite was true for Black women, who have seen their unemployment rate continue to rise since December, bringing it to 8.9% in February.


So black folks LITERALLY voted against a president that delivered economically for them.  Imagine a bank offers you 12% interest on your money( I know..doesn't happen) and you decline and go to the bank that takes $50 out of your account every month. Who is that dumb?

And black folks voted for politicians and parties that literally told them their jobs and businesses were not essential OR these people who shut down much of the economy told your black behind that YOU needed to be out there "in danger" to deliver their food and Amazon shit while they stayed home paid. And ya'll went for it 'cause they left signs in front of their homes saying "Thanks".


The Black unemployment rate rose during President Joe Biden‘s first full month as labor data suggested most of the jobs gains in February went to white workers.
Honestly I'm not buying that explanation. It is possible, but I don't think there is a "let's hire a white man to do this work we normally hire black men to do" movement out there, except perhaps amongst the most woke. We've seen before that it is competition with aliens (legal and illegal) that is a large cause of the supression of black employment.

However IF there is such a movement it could be caused by companies not wanting the liability that would come with hiring a so-called 'woke" black employee who could be a walking lawsuit time bomb.

Anyway, sincerely hope the employment situation turns around but I am not optimistic.