Friday, October 07, 2022

They Won't Leave You Alone

 As the leftists feel more and more emboldened due to their grasp on power structure they continue to harass people, their targets, in order to force their way onto them. The latest example is the Colorado baker who had won a SCOTUS ruling. Undeterred, because there are no consequences for "losing", they continue to mess with the baker.

By now, people know, particularly in that state and that town, that the person running the shop is a Christian, and not the "just raised as" kind. This one practices. Due to that knowledge, anyone looking for a tranny cake should know better than to even ask. Of course they DO know. They ask because they KNOW he will turn them down and they will use that as a means to sic the state on him.


Scardina, an attorney, attempted to order her cake on the same day in 2017 that the Supreme Court announced it would hear Phillips’ appeal in the wedding cake case. Scardina testified she wanted to “challenge the veracity” of Phillips statements that he would serve LGBT customers.

Before filing suit, Scardina first filed a complaint against Phillips with the state and the civil rights commission, which found probable cause that Phillips had discriminated against her. Phillips then filed a federal lawsuit against Colorado, accusing it of a “crusade to crush” him by pursuing the complaint.


Back in 2019 I made the argument that the harassment he is facing is a violation of the 13th Amendment:

You'll note that the 13th not only abolishes slavery but it also abolishes involuntary servitude. That is in recognition that one can be forced to do labour while not being the property/Chattel (slave) of a person (or legal entity).

So the question here is, if a shop owner declines to "bake that cake" for the homosexual wedding, isn't the customer who demands that he does it, attempting to extract involuntary servitude? And, when the state steps in with its monopoly on legal deadly force on the side of the "customer" to force the baker to "bake that cake", isn't the state attempting to enforce involuntary servitude on the baker?

Can the state pass legislation that effectively stipulates involuntary servitude as a condition of being able to operate a public business?

And no, just because one is being paid doesn't make it any less involuntary. If the customer pulled a gun and put it to the baker's head to demand the cake (yes a total exaggeration, but take the walk with me), and after the cake is made, pays the baker would we consider that "voluntary"?

Indeed we'll note that Scardina first went to the state, in order to get it to force this baker into involuntary servitude. 

Lest you think this is reserved just to bakers, Witness the nurse fired from her job for not going along with the tranny nonsense.

In a July meeting with the representatives of Human Resources and the Department of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Kloosterman was asked if she would use “gender identity-based pronouns and be willing to refer patients for gender reassignment surgery,” the letter said. Kloosterman replied that she “could not do so because of her religious beliefs and because of her independent medical judgment,” but that “she would use patients’ names in place of pronouns to respect their wishes,” the letter said.

I've said before that it should not be necessary to make a religious argument to affirm one's right to speak. Also notice that she offered a compromise. Look. you're going to have to realize that there is no compromise with these folks. They "compromised" in order to get power. Now that they have it, they are taking no prisoners.

“[He] grew hostile, visibly angry with tight fists and a flushed demeanor, and attacked her religious beliefs,” the letter said. “... [He] told Ms. Kloosterman that she could not take the Bible or her religious beliefs to work with her, either literally or figuratively; that given her religious beliefs against gender identity-based pronouns and ‘gender reassignment surgery,’ she was to blame for transgender suicides; and that she was ‘evil’ and abusing her power as a health care provider.”
In a sane country, this hospital would be held liable for creating a hostile work environment. 

Also, know that many of her colegues, who may believe as she does, whether for religious reasons or not, are too cowardly to stand up with her and say no to the tranny nonsense. And know that I'm not just talking, I walked MY talk when it came to COVID and I will walk my talk if it comes to tranny nonsense.  Time to recognize that they will not leave you alone and eventually they WILL come for you.