Saturday, October 08, 2022

Nature Ruins It's Reputation

 After March 2020, I came to regard "scientists" as far less worthy of deference than I had previously. "Doctors" and other "scientists" made total asses of themselves and when called on it moved to not only censor their critics but to go as far as remove their ability to make a living. Journals, like Nature, which I recall using quite frequently in my college days, ran articles that made claims that were either wholly unsupported by the data IN the article, or there was no data in the article that supported the claims. In essence, these supposedly "scientific" journals became government and leftist propaganda organs.

Below is the Dark Horse podcast discussing the most recent display of nonsense by a "science" journal.

It is long past time that these trannies are put [back] in their places. They need to be purged from every institution they inhabit. Do not play the pronoun game. Do not play any of it. All you do is give them space to fester and infect society.