Friday, September 10, 2021

Who's Talking and Who's Walking?

I have comments to make about recent Biden mandates but I still need to calm down so I can write coherently. Until then I have this to say/ask:

 I see a lot of people online who I know took the shot. They took the shot and they work at companies that mandate the shot for their employees. I see a lot of them talking about "unconstitutionality" and "attack on citizens" and all that. Ok, then. When the firings happen are you walking out the door too?


 Then excuse me if I don't exactly take your "commiseration" all that seriously. 

One of my heroes is Denmark Vesey. 

Vesey was a free man at the time of the uprising he lead. Vesey could have continued to live as a free man while talking about how sad it was that negroes weren't free. Instead he put his life and limb at risk to free others.

So that they could own their own bodies and the fruits thereof. So that other men and women could no longer dictate what would and would not be done with their bodies. To own their own destinies for better or for worse.

And he died doing so.

That was a man of supreme honor.

And now I watch people talk about attacks on liberty. Attacks that if they really believed were true, have only one response. The only response that matters and the only response that works:

Total mass non-compliance.

So again, to all those people "secure" in their jobs, jib-jabbering about how wrong Biden is:

When your co-workers are shown the door, will you be walking through it with them?


Then excuse me while I take your protestations with salt.