Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Sweden vs. Israel: Is It The Jabs?

 So checking the COVID data as I regularly do, I decided to compare Israel to Sweden. Israel has been getting attention because it is a "highly vaccinated" country which is experience a huge casedemic. The current popular opinion is that the vaccines are informing this rise in cases. However; the data may not support this hypothesis. Here is the percent population "vaccinated" for Israel and Sweden:

As you can see, Israel ramped up it's jab campaign very quickly but Sweden has caught up to them.

below are confirmed cases for both countries:

 Sweden lags about 3 months behind Israel. If the issue is WHEN jabs were given, then Sweden should be in for a world of hurt by about October. If not then we'll have to ask why Israel and Sweden diverge in case counts.

Here's a merged "people vaccinated" and "confirmed cases" chart:

You see that there is a 4 month gap between Israel's vaccination plateau and the start of spike in cases. If the jab theory is correct then Sweden should be seeing a similar curve in late October (assuming the current uptick isn't a part of their new spike).

In any case as far as Israel is concerned, the data shows that the jab campaign has had ZERO impact on case counts.  The only way it could be the case that the jabs have worked is if every case was among the non-jabbed. Yet we know that to not be the case.