Sunday, September 05, 2021

These Are Malicious People

 Real quick before I dip out. There was an article out that said that a hospital was overwhelmed by people who had overdosed on Ivermectin. The entire story was fake. Statement from the hospital as seen on their website:

So the publication was wrong and the "Dr" straight up lied.

You need to understand, if you don't already that this entire COVID thing is not about health or anything else other than left wing power grabbing.

These are malicious people. All of them. They will kill you (or let you die) in order to preserve or advance their narrative. More on that in a later post.

It's time to stop being nice to these people. No more being respectful to these people. You need to treat these people like you would a person who ran up on you in the street and demanded your property or your life.

Yes. it's THAT serious.