Tuesday, September 07, 2021

These Are Malicious People Part 2

A few things happened last week that should convince even the most propagandized people that we are not dealing with a "health crisis" but instead we are seeing the proverbial mask drop off the face of the  left wing of America (and elsewhere) to reveal the vicious malicious people that they are. 

The first thing I'll highlight is Joe Rogan. He got COVID and he took the "forbidden medicine". Now I had thought that he had taken the jab. Not my business but I thought he had. In either case, the reaction to Rogan was very illuminating. People who are normal human beings, wished him a speedy recovery and moved along. However; there were a cadre of leftists who went to prattling about 'horse de-wormer" and how he shouldn't have taken whatever meds/theraputics he did. As if it was their business what he did.

These people were actually mad that  he didn't die. 

Then we have the case of Candace Owens. She tried to get a COVID test in order to make sure she wasn't carrying anything into a gathering/conference/whatever that she was attending. The local COVID testing site (which apparently has a local monopoly on testing) refused to serve negroes conservatives/those not going along with the narrative. You can see the video on YouTube.  Aside from the nasty attitude of the sole testing provider, that a person charged with a part of the so called "public health" response to COVID, would refuse to test a person due to political beliefs says a lot:

1) They didn't care whether Candace had COVID or not., Hence they essentially were telling her to drop dead (since they believe this to be a extremely fatal disease. It is not).

2) They didn't care about the community to which they claim to serve. You would think that in this "unprecedented crisis" that they would jump at an opportunity to find a case before others would be infected.  Nope. When it comes to politics, they were willing to put the community 'at risk" in order to "punish" the negro transgressor.

So it is clear that these people are not interested in "health". If they were, they would have called Candace every name in the book, behind her back, and administered the test. 

This doesn't even touch the two recent "reports" about Ivermectin poisoning and ER visits run by MSM that were so egregious that hospitals had to come out and make statements.

These people are malicious. These are not accidents. They are not "incompetent".  There is only one thing they are interested in: pushing their narrative. If you do not comply they will do everything they can do destroy you. Literally. And they do so because they do not fear consequences.