Friday, June 04, 2021

The New Left Crow Enters Medicine

Back in the day when I was considering a career in medicine, I came to the conclusion that if a member of the KKK or whatever came in for medical attention, I would flat out refuse to provide service. I actually still hold that position as I see no reason to provide service (or money for that matter) to someone who aggresses against black people if I can at all avoid doing so. I soon realized that such a position would put me at odds with the obligations of practicing medicine. To be clear, Desmond Doss of Hacksaw Ridge, is a far better man than I as I would have left the Jap to die on the field. The morality of that is not really the topic here but the point is generally speaking, if one is incapable of providing medical care to anyone who needs it you shouldn't be in the medicine business. At the very least I can say that I recognize my bias and I make sure I don't kill anyone due to it. Unfortunately there are people, calling themselves anti-racists, who do not understand this. Cue the Daily Mail article

Not that I don't trust the Daily Mail to not stealth edit their reporting as other outlets have been caught doing but screen grab:

"Avoid treating white patients."

This is unacceptable. 


There's a lot going on in the article but this point needs to be front and center:

A new generation of medical professionals believes it is incumbent on them to confront patients on their racist views and to offer treatment to minorities.

'I've heard examples of Covid-19 cases in the emergency department where providers go, "I'm not going to go treat that white guy, I'm going to treat the person of color instead because whatever happened to the white guy, he probably deserves it",' one doctor said. [my underlines]

Let's be perfectly clear here. This is unacceptable. Whoever this person was they should have been fired On. The. Spot. Furthermore, the institution should have offered the individual and/or their family their full cooperation in any legal proceedings they initiated against this individual.

The person who relayed this story ought to have named the institution. How many patients have died in that ER or other parts of the hospital because they were either purposely given substandard care or simply allowed to die because of their race? And at what point does this move beyond race to sex? How do we know it hasn't already occurred?

Other things from that article:

They say they are being reprimanded for criticizing patients for being late because doing so is perceived as racist and that if they question prevailing orthodoxy, they are being fired.

There are 4 lights. 

Competent doctors being fired for questioning stuff that is not only obvious BS but is also getting patients killed?

"‘No physician is racist, so how can there be structural racism in health care?’ the tweet read, sparking outrage and generating intense interest in the podcast."

So first thing. There are racist physicians. And the ER story above absolutely proves it. And if the institutions where these clearly racist physicians tolerate and promote their behavior then these institutions are systemically racist. 

Now clearly the original tweet was NOT in reference to the ER situation. Rather it was a broad claim that there are no racist physicians. It is entirely appropriate to counter that claim because it is absolutely not true. But such a position doesn't excuse in the least bit the tolerance of what happened in that (and how many other) ER.

Doctors taking part in the Zoom meetings panned the study, though they did so anonymously for fear of the career repercussions of speaking out, according to Herzog.

‘It’s some of the most shoddy, methodologically flawed research we’ve ever seen published in these journals, with sensational conclusions that seem totally unjustified from the results of the study,’ one doctor said.

‘It’s frustrating because we all know how hard it is to get good, sound research published,’ the doctor said.

‘So do those rules and quality standards no longer apply to this topic, or to these authors, or for a certain time period?’

And this is not new. A lot of the "research" supporting so-called "woke" scholarship is shoddy as hell. You don't need to be a PhD candidate to see it either. The arguments are often circular. They assume things not in evidence and the arguments often lack basic logic.  They are often conclusions in search of supporting data rather than the other way around. In essence "woke" scholarship presumes that their conclusions are correct and anything contradicting them must be wrong because of "White Supremacy".

You would think that the sciences would be a "safe place" from this junk because usually getting the "math wrong" can lead to actual deaths.  Bu the sciences are inhabited by the same cowards as other fields and the white guilt complex is a real thing. 'White nationalist" and 'Racist" is the kryptonite of the woke crowd. They know that those two phrases will render most white people defenseless and that they will do anything to avoid the label. 

You should be very, very scared by this turn of events, these people will get you killed and frankly during this COVID thing they have already killed a lot of people.