Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Ivermectin Efficacy: Example Peru

 The Dark Horse podcast has a short piece on Ivermectin and it's use in Peru:

Here is a link to a very recent study on Ivermectin use in Peru:

Important part:

 Results. The 25 states of Peru were grouped by extent of IVM distributions: maximal (mass IVM distributions through operation MOT, a broadside effort led by the army); medium (locally managed IVM distributions); and minimal (restrictive policies in one state, Lima). The mean reduction in excess deaths 30 days after peak deaths was 74% for the maximal IVM distribution group, 53% for the medium group and 25% for Lima. Reduction of excess deaths is correlated with extent of IVM distribution by state with p<0.002 using the Kendall τb test. 

Conclusion. Mass treatments with IVM, a drug safely used in 3.7 billion doses worldwide since 1987, most likely caused the 14-fold reductions in excess deaths in Peru, prior to their 13-fold increase after IVM policy was reversed. This strongly suggests that IVM treatments can likewise effectively complement immunizations to help eradicate COVID-19. The indicated biological mechanism of IVM, competitive binding with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, is likely non-epitope specific, possibly yielding full efficacy against emerging viral mutant strains. [my underlines] 

So per the underlined portions, Had the US used Ivermectin widely since at least the late summer, the second wave possibly would not have happened. 

These people, Fauci et-al, literally had people killed in order to push "vaccines".  They knew of Ivermectin (and HCQ). They knew it was safe as well. The amount of lying these "officials" did should qualify them for the firing squad.

This is how effective Ivermectin is. The new president of Peru stops use of Ivermectin and the result was a 13x increase in deaths. The new Peruvian president literally got people killed. Trump, Biden and the people who work for them are no less guilty.

The MSM is just now getting around to the lab leak. Maybe 6-12 months from now, the above will be covered.