Saturday, February 06, 2021

Time Inc. Lays Out The Plot

 Time magazine, this week, dropped a whopper on the public. I saved it as a PDF in case they wise up and realize just what they did and either nuke the piece or edit it. We are living in times where such things happen with increasing frequency. As we take a dive into the piece we need to look at something:

That is Hillary Clinton stating flat out that Biden should not concede the 2020 election under any circumstances. By the time we are finished going through the Time piece we should be asking: What did Clinton know and when did she know it?

Here's the thing, back in the day when a was developing in my awareness, I learned that people in power, when comfortable allow the masks to fall and they reveal themselves. It happens on all levels of human and organizational behavior.  And so I learned to watch for these admissions. Time Magazine told on the Great Reset over the summer.

Mainstream media wanted to tell us that the Great Reset was some conspiracy theory. Time said "Nope. It's real." Now the public can find all manner of video evidence of the World Economic Forum calling for the Great Reset. And believe me, a LOT of international organizations are in on it. And a great deal of the "elite" in America are in on it too.  See, if you're powerful enough you get to live how you want. The  Reset is meant to fuck with the rest of us. 

In a lot of countries it is easier to implement these plans because the people are "subjects" of their government. That is the government "gives' people rights, which it can also take away. In America, the government is [supposedly] subject to the people. The people give it rights which the people can take away. Hence the elites need to change how American government works in order to implement their plans. So you have the attacks on speech, assembly, defense (guns), etc.  This is being done by exercising power accumulated over a long time in government, education (same) and private industries. 

Remember that not long ago it was reported that China had agents "all up in" the US.

I usually blockquote these items but I want to make sure you know I'm not making anything up. I told you during my writeup on the Trump presidency that Trump represented a major block to China's plans and it was actually in the interest of China to get Trump out of office. 

I know this seems to be not about the Time Magazine piece but you need to keep these things in mind when you read it. So let's get to it.

So straight away we see the problem. US elections are supposed to be transparent. If there is a "shadow campaign" then the election isn't being "saved" it is being manipulated. This is classic contradictory speech. You cannot "save" an election with "shadow campaigns".

"A second odd thing happened amid Trump’s attempts to reverse the result: corporate America turned on him. Hundreds of major business leaders, many of whom had backed Trump’s candidacy and supported his policies, called on him to concede. To the President, something felt amiss. “It was all very, very strange,” Trump said on Dec. 2. “Within days after the election, we witnessed an orchestrated effort to anoint the winner, even while many key states were still being counted.”

In a way, Trump was right."

Why would "major business leaders" many of whom "supported his policies" and "backed Trump" turn on him? Why would they do so when key states hadn't even announced? The same companies that Trump gifted with tax cuts.  Even if you didn't like the man, if as a business you supported his policies (because they made doing business easier for you) why would you turn on him?

There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans.

Well I'm glad THEY said "conspiracy".

 The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day. Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain–inspired by the summer’s massive, sometimes destructive racial-justice protests–in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy.

The AFL-CIO? Unions? If I'm a Union member who just got whacked by Biden's pipeline EO, I'd be looking at my union card and all the dues I paid REALLY CLOSELY right now.

Build Back Better -->> Great Reset. Remember the Chinese have agents and influence all over. Your labour Union probably sold you out for the reset. 

But the important part of the statement is the reference to the summer of rioting. I wrote last month:

This "proposition", which was actually a great blackmailing of the citizenry" was also trotted out for the rioting. The rioting is a response to Trump and his policies and racism. If you want the rioting to stop you need to get Trump out of office.
 And thus the final media message was that the mounting cases and deaths were Trump's fault and if you wanted to change this horrible situation you need to get Biden into office, Biden has a plan. There are riots in the streets because Trump is a racist. You want the riots to stop? Get Trump out. Remember that the summer of rioting was approved of from the top to the bottom of the Democratic Party. It was given positive coverage by the MSM.

And there it is in print. The "conspiracy", their words not mine, was inspired by the "massive racial -justice [sic] protests[sic]."

 "The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted."

I'll say it again: you cannot have a "free", "fair", "credible" and "uncorrupted" election with a "shadow effort". it is entirely contradictory.

"For more than a year, a loosely organized coalition of operatives scrambled to shore up America’s institutions as they came under simultaneous attack from a remorseless pandemic and an autocratically inclined President."

More than a year? So prior to COVID? What did they know and when did they know it?

"Though much of this activity took place on the left, it was separate from the Biden campaign and crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors." 
*wink wink*

*Nod nod*

"Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding."

They "got states to change voting systems and laws"?

Say, did YOU the voter know that a "shadow group" of "businesses and activists" convinced your representative to vote for changes in YOUR state election laws? 

Say, did YOU the voter know that voting systems were changed over the year to NEW systems at the behest, and payments, of a "shadow organization" of activists? 

The Chinese have influence at all levels of US government. Say, how many Chinese agents were involved in the "shadow organization" to change voting laws and voting systems in YOUR state?

"They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears."

So a "Shadow Organization" of "activists" pressured social media companies to take a hard line against mis-information like Hunter Biden's laptop and the corraborated evidence that he took money from the Chinese government who may have compromising information on the now president of the Unites States?

Say, do you like the fact that a "shadow organization" essentially decided what was and was not "disinformation"?

"The President spent months insisting that mail ballots were a Democratic plot and the election would be “rigged.”"

 But you just wrote that a "shadow group" of "activists", "Unions" and "Major business people" spent the year changing voting laws and voting systems. That IS "rigging". 

"Before the election, Trump plotted to block a legitimate vote count."

Trump "plotted" to have the laws the he *thought* were on the books enforced. IE: signature verification, Address verification, Ballots postmarked by day off election, etc. But the "shadow group" had spent it's time over the year(s?) changing the laws.

"It is the story of an unprecedented, creative and determined campaign whose success also reveals how close the nation came to disaster. “Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated,”"

Proper outcome.



"even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures."[my underlines]

 Double speak. They only changed laws and processes to favor the outcome they wanted. That's fortification, like vitamins!

"Voting-rights and civil rights organizations were raising alarms. A group of former elected officials was researching emergency powers they feared Trump might exploit. Protect Democracy was assembling a bipartisan election-crisis task force. “It turned out that once you said it out loud, people agreed,” Podhorzer says, “and it started building momentum.”"

The key statement here is "researching emergency powers." Recall again that I noted:

"Once the country was shook about being in public or enclosed space because they believed "infection= dead" and 'You want to kill granny?" part two was put into place. These emergencies "allowed" state governments to change the voting process without the usual legislative procedures *required* by the constitution. This gave cover to the DNC to finish its decapitation of Bernie Sanders who was unable to campaign." 

Yes, I believe that there came an understanding on how "emergencies" could be exploited to fast track certain changes these people wanted. 

" The chief difference between the U.S. and countries that lost their grip on democracy, he concluded, was that America’s decentralized election system couldn’t be rigged in one fell swoop. That presented an opportunity to shore it up." 

No, that wasn't an opportunity to "shore it up" it was an understanding that it couldn't be done in one fell swoop, hence the long march and changes to laws while the public was distracted. 

"Then COVID-19 erupted at the height of the primary-election season. Normal methods of voting were no longer safe for voters or the mostly elderly volunteers who normally staff polling places. But political disagreements, intensified by Trump’s crusade against mail voting, prevented some states from making it easier to vote absentee and for jurisdictions to count those votes in a timely manner."

Watch the hands. Remember they had "researched" the use of emergency powers.

"the institutional left, like Planned Parenthood and Greenpeace; resistance groups like Indivisible and MoveOn; progressive data geeks and strategists, representatives of donors and foundations, state-level grassroots organizers, racial-justice activists and others."

Just so we know who the "activists" in the "Shadow organizations" were. I'm on MoveOn's mailing list, they never told me they were involved in changing voting laws and processes. 

Also, this guy held in meetings on Zoom. Zoom is known to have been accessible by the Chinese government

Aside from the encryption standards, the researchers also found that Zoom sends traffic to China - even when all the people in a Zoom meeting are outside of China.

"During multiple test calls in North America, we observed keys for encrypting and decrypting meetings transmitted to servers in Beijing, China," the report said.

So here we have a group of leftwing activists acting as a "shadow organization" to affect the outcome of the US 2020 election using a product that sends it's traffic to China. 

"It warned that Zoom "may not be suitable" for:

  • Governments and businesses worried about espionage
  • Healthcare providers handling sensitive patient information
  • Activists, lawyers and journalists working on sensitive topics"

Nothing to see here folks. Move on.

The rest of the article talks about what I consider surface stuff. Voter canvassing and the like. There is absolutely no discussion of the changes to voter laws mentioned at the head of the article. I don't think that's an accident. 

"The statement was released on Election Day, under the names of Chamber CEO Thomas Donohue, AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka, and the heads of the National Association of Evangelicals and the National African American Clergy Network. “It is imperative that election officials be given the space and time to count every vote in accordance with applicable laws,”"[my underlines]

The "applicable laws",  not described in the article, had already been set. yeah, we can count non-postmarked ballots. Yeah we can not verify signatures. etc. And how can a conservative be against "accordance with applicable laws"? You conservatives do believe in "rule of law" right?

Which brings us to this:

"We had rabid Trump supporters who agreed to serve on the council based on the idea that this is honest,” Wamp says. This is going to be just as important, he told them, to convince the liberals when Trump wins. “Whichever way it cuts, we’re going to stick together.”"

See, I could see Never Trumpers on board with this. I could even see "normie" Republicans being in on this because they still think this is about "fair". But a so-called "rabid Trump supporter"? Say did Time interview any of these "Rabid Trump Supporters"? Did they agree to things like this:

Fifth, there was no state law violation when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court temporarily modifiedthe deadline for the receipt of mail-in and absentee ballots, because state constitutional law required it. SeePa. Democratic Party v. Boockvar, 238 A.3d 345, 369-72 (Pa. 2020). Under this Court’s jurisprudence, nothing in the Elections Clause of Article I “instructs, nor has this Court ever held, that a state legislature may pre-scribe regulations on the time, place, and manner of holding federal elections in defiance of provisions of the State’s constitution.” Arizona State Legislature v. Ari-zona Indep. Redistricting Commn, 576 U.S. 787, 817-18 (2015)(AIRC).The same is true for the Elector Clause in Article II. [ my underlines]

This is in reference to the Texas suit. Note my underlined portion. This was a result of a lawsuit filed in 2020 that allowed the PA Supreme court to modify the deadline for receipt of mail-in and absentee ballots. What "Rabid Trump Supporter" was OK with that and why? 

Note that the Time article doesn't go into these changes in law. I think it's because if they did, people would see that it was "rigged". piece by piece and not in "one fell swoop".