Friday, November 13, 2020

The COVID Timeline And How To Protect Yourself

 So I saw this online and wanted to share with the readership for their own health.

Now in the past I have suggested to the readership that they pre-emptively do things to prevent themselves from getting into the inflammatory stage of the Wuhan virus. The timeline above shows how this is effected.

Recall that I showed documentation that Zinc inhibits viral replication in the cell. Don't trust me, go read the post and go to the links yourself.

So the entire point of my posting then, and now, is that you want to blunt the replication stage which this chart refers to as the first "ambulatory period".

Even if zinc only reduced the replication by half you can see how it would help. 

We also know that Vit D blunts inflammation because it regulates ACE receptors. I have a post here on it.

 So rather than live in fear and locking yourself (and your children) away. Get regular doses of zinc and vit. D. It's likely. HIGHLY LIKELY you will avoid the inflammation phase altogether unless you have some underlying medical condition (known or unknown). It's also likely you'll avoid the symptom phase.

So here's the breakdown:

1) Oil of Oregano: carvacrol, is the ingredient that is an antiviral. This supplements your first line of defense which is the mucus membranes of your upper respiratory system. Using this product makes a more hostile initial environment for the virus. 

2) Vit D:. "Hides" the ACE receptors so that the virus has a hard time binding to cells so that they can make entry. No entry, no replication, no.....etc.

3) In the case that the virus enters the cells, Zinc inhibits replication. If you think you've actually come into contact with an infected person, and by that I mean besides the assumption I make that any and everyone I come into contact with is infected, As in you got a call that someone you recently shared extended air time with within the last 24-48 hours is infected, you up the zinc dose and add Quercetin. As I've explained in other posts, Quercetin is a Zinc ionophore. This means it helps zinc get into the cells.

These things buy your immune system time to recognize the invader and mount a defense that does not result in the Cytokine Storm that is the real killer symptom.

So to stress here, these three suggestions are to reduce your chances of severe illness and death. obviously not everyone is going to make it. 

One last thing. Drink or eat something with Turmeric and Echinacea. These are also anti-inflammatories that will help you avoid the inflammation stage.  And that's the take home lesson: AVOID the inflammation stage