Wednesday, May 15, 2024

COVID-19 And The End Of Innocence

 Below is RFK Jr. Discussing his change of heart in regards to abortion.

I found this to be significant because I think it reflects a similar "realization"  I had come to due to the response to Covid: They never meant it.

So the pertinent part of JFKs comment was that he never thought that women would actually abort a none month old baby just days away from being born for reasons other than their health. That is, they would be dead otherwise. He said that data was brought to his attention that this DOES in fact happen. There are apparently not a few women who are having late term abortions when the baby is actually able to live outside the womb, just because.

Yeah, that's murder.

The issue here, for this post, isn't that this new information changed his mind, it is that he, along with many people who prior to 2020 could be said to be center left, didn't really understand or know that The Left really had some nasty things behind the mask. In 2020 they felt powerful enough to drop the mask and a lot of things were laid bare.

Like JFK, I was pro choice for only one reason, I did not believe the government should be involved in medical decisions of people. I assumed that was the position of the DNC. No. Actually these women in the DNC, and their male simps, really just meant they wanted to be able to murder their babies and fuck the rest of us.  When the jabs dropped, they quickly decided that the government dictating medicine was A-fucking-O-K.

I have not been pro choice since.

Similarly, I became a 2a absolutist. After all, once you realize the state would force you to take a medical treatment against your will and treat you like chattel. Then any reason it has to restrict arms of any kind being held by the public, is, in my opinion, null and void. It becomes very clear that the reason they want the public disarmed is so that they can aggress against them at will without fear of [armed] resistance.

Indeed much of the abuse seen since 2020 has been directly because none of the aggressing partied fear any consequences at all. 

Similarly we have seen what started out as "leave the gays alone." To now the state trying to tell citizens how they must address mentally ill people who think they are something they are not. The state has realized it can aggress against citizens at will and the order followers from the police on down, will do their bidding.

There are a lot of people saying that the 2024 election is going to be the decisive one and that the Republic is gone if Biden wins. While I agree that another Biden term would have grave consequences, any non-Biden term that does not severely punish those who have aggressed against the citizens since 2020, will not being doing what is needed.

The innocence is gone. The scales are off the eyes. The mask is off and broken.  Time to adjust accordingly, as JFK apparently has.