Sunday, September 11, 2022

I could run into a burning building.....

 100% what this guy said


I have been calling the current mayor of NYC "Bull Connor" because he is no better than and in many cases WORSE than  Bull Connor at the height of segregation.  When Bill Di Blasio implemented the NYC segregation, his wife should have walked out on him in disgust. One of the first things Eric "Bull Connor" Adams should have done was ended the vax mandate as well as restaurant BS. As a BLACK MAN he should have known better. Black so called leadership should have been front and center to oppose the second class citizenship being imposed on people across the country. To their forever shame, they did not and I have ZERO respect for any of them. 

You hear the rage in that guy's voice? THAT is what the so called "Black leadership" should have been like the minute they caught wind of that second class citizenship.