Monday, March 28, 2022

Black On Black Crime: The Slap Heard 'Round The World

I woke up this morning to the sight of none other than Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the recent Oscars award show. I saw the unmuted version from a Japanese source which aired the "colorful" commentary that followed the slap.

I wasn't sure if this had been staged. It sure sounded like Chris got hit. His recovery attitude signaled to me that may have been a setup. Also seeing that Will had been laughing at the joke in question prior to "defending his wife" made me think it was a set up.

 Q: Why was he so far from his wife anyway?

But all that aside, I'm going to assume it wasn't a set up and that it was what it looked like it was. And that fact underscores an issue I alluded to in my last GGTV and have written about in this blog: Black crime and criminal behavior, particularly those of assault and homicide are higher, across the socio-economic board than whites of the same SES. Rich or relatively wealthy black people may engage in less violence than "hood negroes" but the data shows that they commit far more crimes than their White and Asian counterparts. As a matter of fact, wealthy blacks as a group have violence levels higher than working class whites. An assist for those who won't follow the link:

Black residents of block groups with incomes greater than $60 000 per year had firearm assault rates similar to those of White residents of areas with incomes between $20 001 and $30 000.

So Will Smith and Chris Rock gave us a good example of why we see so much violence in black communities. It's not because they are hungry. The white man didn't make them do it. It wasn't systemic racism. No it was piss poor impulse control and lack of control of our [collective] emotions. So if you were cool with Smith "Defending his wife" with violence on national tv, don't even move your mouth to condemn the guy who shoot up the club when his ego gets checked.  

Same shit, different venue.