Tuesday, January 18, 2022

The New Segregationists

 For those very long readers they probably noticed I have ceased from "noting" MLK day. One of the if not THE reason for it is because I had come to the conclusion that MLK day and the man himself had become commercialized.  In particular I saw how people on the left would take positions that were diametrically opposed to the stated goals of King.

Judge by content of character? Nope. Blacks are all oppressed. Whites are universal oppressors.

Personal accountability? Nope. Every ill that a black person faces or black people face is the fault of white people (via WS) and black people are not responsible for their own behavior and choices.

But 2021 revealed the whopper. The same people who supposedly love MLK are OK with segregation. It is not any state or city in the south (that I know of) that is run by so called racist Republicans who have made mandates that segregate people due to medical choices they made for themselves.

As I noted in a post on why I think Juneteenth is a great holiday for all Americans, I noted that the end of slavery was a high point because it affirmed the right of all persons to have ownership over their own body (and it's fruits). You are not the property of the state nor of any individual.  That was a great thing to have happened in America. A LOT of people died making that so.

And yet here is the stark comparison. In NYC in one of the most liberal states (upstate is red though) and the *black* mayor, a Democrat failed to end the "vaccine mandate" on businesses and failed to end the segregation in certain public areas. Note that these policies are only in heavily liberal NYC. You cross the lines into Nassau or Westchester counties and none of that nonsense is in effect.

NYC is the new Birmingham and Adams is the Bull Connor. 

And standing in stark contrast, down in Virginia, the prior capitol of the Confederacy, the new Republican governor, ended the vaccine mandates for the state as one of his first actions on day one.

Day. One.

Oh and a black Jamaican immigrant is lieutenant governor.

My how times have changed.

Now to be clear, it isn't that discrimination and segregation did not exist in northern states and cities. But the loudest mouths about the sins of segregation and discrimination come from those places and yet they have managed to be THE places of discrimination and segregation.

Who would have figured that all you needed to turn the left black leadership class into segregationists was to create fear of a virus with a 99.9% survival rate.