Monday, January 10, 2022

"At Least Four" You Say?

 Here at The Ghost we said that this entire pandemic was a pandemic of the co-morbid. That is that the people at risk for severe outcomes, including death were those who had certain co-morbidities. Top of that list was and is, obesity. Other comorbidities are closely related to obesity such as diabetes and kidney disease.

"Fact checkers" and other so called "authorities" would have anyone stating this labelled "anti-vaxxer" and "conspiracy theorists". All we were doing was looking at the data from around the world. Data that was readily available to anyone who could bother to look. Now almost 2 years later, here comes the head of the CDC saying what we, the skeptics, knew all along.


We knew this. This is why vaccine mandates and passports are not only immoral but are totally ineffective.  These people need to be held accountable. There needs to be reparations to those of us who have suffered, literally, for not only speaking the truth but for standing up for it at [great] expense.