Tuesday, December 14, 2021

I Tried To Warn Y'all


Where I work(ed), I told my coworkers that it won't stop at 2 shots. A lot of them, who are probably glad I'm gone, didn't believe me. This is the second announcement I've seen. 

Serious question for those who submitted to the first [injection] demand: At what point is it enough? Are you of the opinion that you'll take every shot they demand no matter how frequent? 

If so, does none of this even make you think about how [in]effective these shots are? I mean 3 shots in ONE YEAR. Some countries are looking at shot number four. So far, at best, these are symptom reducers. No different (in effect) than Tylenol. Do you trust your employer to dictate any other medication they decide you should have?

Serious question. Remember what they sold you. They said it would STOP infection and transmission. They said if you got these shots that life would go back to normal. That's what you were promised. How much of that has come true for you? If you're in NY the state just said that regardless of "vaccination", you have to put on a mask indoors and that's on top of the barring of "unvaccinated" from many places.

Now, YOU will soon be the "un-vaccinated" do YOU think that is fair?

Now I'm not surprised this came from NYU because their "ethics professor" is just fine with this

It's the CCP Social Credit system coming into being in the US.

 And apparently enough of you are OK with it because well you "feel safe".