Sunday, November 14, 2021

Those Durn Case Numbers

 A while back I posted some UK data and discussed how one should not be tricked by "per 100k" numbers because 1% of a huge number is a far greater number than 1% of a small number:

"Going back to our 1000 vs 100 example. Say that 1% of the 1000 population dies of the shot. Again that's 10 people. However in the smaller group, if you had 10% of them die from not being vaccinated, then it would be the same numbers dead. This is why even "low" failure rates on a widely used medicine is, well SHOULD, be alarming to anyone who is numerate. a 1% failure rate of a drug given to 330 million people is 3.3 million dead. If you do a proper long term study with say 100k people and found out 1% die, at least you only killed 1,000 people rather than 3.3 million."


So here we have some data out of the UK again and lo and behold:



Notice the outlier "unvaccinated" group is the last group to have been offered the experimental drug.

Here's the link to the source material (always look at the source material. Don't take my word for it):

Once again we'll see that the 40-49 age group is where the inflection point resides:

basically, if you are 50+ years old and you take one of the shots and you get infected with COVID to teh extent that you present a positive PCR high enough to indicate a high viral load, your chances of dying, vs a non-vaccinated person of the same age and co-morbidity status is MUCH higher. 

Dems the numbers. Just like I said would happen as the "vaxxed" population grows.