Wednesday, November 10, 2021

That Durn "Horse Dewormer"

 Sorry for not posting over the past week or so. There are reasons for that which may be discussed in this space soon. No I'm not sick. Onto the topic. 

I'm going to keep this brief. We know that since late summer the CDC and allied propaganda outlets have done all they could to discredit the use of Ivermectin. There were various reasons for this but the primary one, the topic of this entry, is that the Pharma companies want to "make room" for their upcoming products that they could patent and sell at a high mark up. And so recently we have had numerous reports of the "new pill' that will "change everything" and "end the pandemic".

Not surprising.

So here's a nice video by Dr. John Campbell about the new drug:

Now a lot of the scientific jargon here may go over your head. That's OK. The short story here is that the pill prevents viral replication by targeting the enzyme responsible for cutting proteins.

Here's the thing. Ivermectin does the same thing and they know it.

So here is a screenshot of compounds that have the ability to do what the "new pill" does:

So the shorter bars indicate more effective inhibition. Note there are only two items that shows near total inhibition: Ivermectin and the GC327 product.

Here's the screenshot with the referenced Nature article shown:

Here's a screenshot of the article itself:

Now note the date: Jan 2021. This means that when the CDC and other outlets started making the claim that Ivermectin was not effective, they were lying. Straight out lying.

Why were they lying?

Right back to the opener: They have a product, that they can patent, ready to sell.  If you haven't figured out that the COVID racket is making a LOT of money for a LOT of people and therefore they will stretch this out as long as possible and guide policy that will allow them to realize returns well into the future, you have NOT been paying attention.

Note that "in silica" is a fancy means of saying "computer simulation". You may object to using computer simulations as "proof" that Ivermectin works. I would remind you that the current mRNA shots were created by the same modeling process. So if you object to one on those grounds, you must also object to the other.