Thursday, October 28, 2021

So You Got An Exemption?

 They've been pulling bait and switches since March 2020. Many of us, me included fell for it. But I figured out that these exemptions, in the current climate and political situation (State Of Emergency), that these exemptions would be in danger. See here's the thing: If there is an emergency then the situation is SO DIRE that normal procedures cannot be followed. 

For your safety of course.

So, those who are exempted from the rules, who are not a part of the ruling class, pose a danger to everyone else. If there is such a dire emergency why would you allow people to "opt out"? So you see, the mere existence of "exemptions" to the public is an existential danger to the "state of emergency". And so..

Now this is NY but it's not only NY. 

"Most New York City municipal workers are required to have one dose of the vaccine by Friday, with some corrections officers having a Dec. 1 deadline. The city workers who present proof of vaccination will be rewarded with a $500 bonus in their paycheck, whereas those who do not will be placed on unpaid leave until they do so. 

Previously, New York City employees could opt to take weekly COVID-19 tests instead of being vaccinated, but this exemption no longer will apply."



I am currently on the receiving end of one of these mandates (which I will post on later). I'm currently facing a 14% decline in income within the next month. That's pre-tax. But this isn't about me.

I knew that these exemptions were "temporary".  I'm not saying there aren't jurisdictions and businesses that may honor their word, particularly if the local judiciary and / or legislature is more likely to back a citizens right to decline any and all medical treatment. But in those places where such legal protections are not observed by the courts, in particular, these government agencies will act a total fool.

And know that even if the courts rule in the favor of these employees, there will be ZERO consequences for the individuals who made the decisions.  They will be protected by qualified immunity while you cash out investments to pay your bills. And a lot of these people will be smiling in your face day in and day out until they put you out on your butt.

So you got that exemption? Good for you. You better hope it lasts. 

"A federal appeals court heard a separate case Wednesday on a similar mandate for health care workers, according to the AP. The judges seemed to support the arguments that a New York state vaccine mandate for health care workers was not a violation of constitutional rights, even though the mandate does not include religious exemptions, reports the AP. "

Got that?

See, if that position goes unchallenged up through SCOTUS, then you, my American friend are the property of the state. Period. And so long as they can say "safety", they can do whatever they want to you OR put you out on the street.

And mind you, SCOTUS has already ruled that conscientious objections are as valid as religious objections when it comes to the First Amendment. Yet you'll hear not a word about that in these cases.