Wednesday, September 29, 2021


 Computing Forever has been spot on in his analysis of the COVID scamdemic. For those not too bright, COVID Scamdemic is the set of government, ngo and private party "reactions" to the actual COVID virus epidemic. It is NOT a claim that the virus itself is a scam.

Having put that out of the way the video below discusses the next steps that the various entities have in store for you. 

I wanted to actually quote the Telegraph article discussed in the piece but it is behind a pay wall (think on that for a minute). But in short, the idea that once "hard' currency is replaced by digital currency controlled by government and government aligned "private" entities, your days of being a free citizen is over.

One would have to be on Amish level off-grid ness to even survive and most of the members of the modern world simply will not volunteer to live that way. Hence, what is being discussed is more or less going to happen.

Why am I so pessimistic? Because over the last 18 months I have discovered that, at least for America, a good deal of the public LIKES tyrannical government so long as they continue to get certain "gibs". They also, like their Jim Crow predecessors like the smug feeling of superiority that comes with being able to designate some group of people "less than".

But most of all, the idea that rights and freedom come FROM government,  a concept wholly rejected by the founders of the country and which made it unique among nations, is now held by a large and apparently growing majority of people.

You think banks won't cut you off for having the wrong opinion or stating something the government considers taboo? Well they are already doing this. They are only doing it to people that they have convinced the general public to believe "deserve it". Why? Because the general public can't see past their next meal and so will not be alarmed [enough] to put a check on both the bank AND the government until it's too late.