Monday, July 05, 2021

Why You Want Long Term Data

[Updated 9:33AM]

  So the recent news from Vaccineland is that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine is only 64% effective against the "delta variant" AKA the 'India variant".

Imagine my shock.

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine appears to largely prevent hospitalization and serious cases, but is significantly less effective against preventing the spread of the Delta variant of the coronavirus.

At this point do I even have to mention what else does the same thing?

New Health Ministry figures reported by the Ynet news site indicated that over the past month, the vaccine, which has been the one used for almost all vaccinated Israelis, has been just 64 percent effective in preventing coronavirus infection. The data reportedly shows that during May, when the strain was less prevalent, the vaccine was 94.3% effective.

To quote CNN: Vaccinated people are variant factories.  Speaking of, a related article :

It's like these vaccinated people are viral replication factories and disease spreaders!! Say, how many of these vaccinated people have infected un-vaccinated people?

But in all seriousness, this is why any bright person, which is hopefully those of you reading this, knew the "safe and effective" claims being shouted from every TV, radio and website that accepts advertisements, were and are bogus. There are no long term studies for any of these "vaccines". This IS the long term study and YOU who took the jab are the test subjects. What's happening here is like what happens in a casino. You walk in, put money in the machine and hit a jackpot. Instead of thinking you got lucky (what is mathematically referred to as positive variance), you think you cannot lose. Then the losing starts. 

That's what's going on here. Sure you had a nice high score in the beginning. But long term, variance happens and the floor drops out from under your vaccine and it's on the level of a flu shot.

The Ghost mentioned this....last over a year ago that this was a likely outcome.

"The Delta variant, which is believed to be twice as contagious as the original strain of COVID-19, is thought to be responsible for 90% of new cases in Israel over the past two weeks."

I've been saying for over a year now that avoiding infection is a fools errand. 

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine appears to largely prevent hospitalization and serious cases, but is significantly less effective against preventing the spread of the Delta variant of the coronavirus.

New Health Ministry figures reported by the Ynet news site indicated that over the past month, the vaccine, which has been the one used for almost all vaccinated Israelis, has been just 64 percent effective in preventing coronavirus infection. The data reportedly shows that during May, when the strain was less prevalent, the vaccine was 94.3% effective.

According to Ynet, the figures were presented Sunday evening at a meeting of a team of experts advising the government on its handling of the pandemic.

Meanwhile, a study from researchers at the Hebrew University and Hadassah University Medical Center indicated that the Pfizer vaccine is 60-80% effective against infection from the Delta strain.

The Delta variant, which is believed to be twice as contagious as the original strain of COVID-19, is thought to be responsible for 90% of new cases in Israel over the past two weeks.