Long time readers of the blog (thank you) know that I have been using the term "Left Crow" for a few years now. It is a play on the term "Jim Crow" which were rules and regulations (not always laws) that were used to keep blacks in America "in their place". I use this term because when viewing the acts and ideas coming out of the popular left, it resembles quite closely, that of the Jim Crow era. All you have to do is strip the racial aspect of it. Well no, to be clear a lot of it IS racial in that whites are often the target of the discrimination rather than blacks. This is deemed "OK" because it is done on behalf of blacks who, strangely, lack the agency to do things for themselves. Like they are inferior or something.
Well the COVID era has moved Left Crowism even further into segregationalism.Whereas the segregation in Left Crowism was previouisly confined to "safe spaces" and the like, mostly on college campuses, the rise of the Vaccine Religion has caused it to break out into the wider American public. The Vaccine Religion is that one must "believe" in all vaccines, at all times, or you are a "sinner" in need of punishment. There is no space for nuance such as "I'm good with the polio vaccine (second not first), but I'll wait (or pass) on this COVID one until I see more data."
No, it's either full compliance or ostracism. Or segregation.
If you've read anything online you'll see that across the "western world" more and more "leaders" are calling for the unvaccinated to be barred from restaurants and other places. Various medical organizations who claim to represent their members but actually do not and don't know it because many of their members are afraid to speak up, are calling for the same. While I can understand such mentalities in places like England where people are "royal subjects", the appearance of this mentality in America is, well, unfortunate to say the least.
One of things about the American republic is that it was founded on the principle that each person was free, that is not the subject of royalty, papacy or government; and the government had limited power. It's not only in the founding document but also in the Declaration of Independence. Now as a supporter of the Juneteenth holiday, I have pointed out that it marks a significant milestone in rectifying the issue of black people being the property of others rather than being free, as defined previously, like everybody else. The important thing being that no American is the property of any other person OR the government. Furthermore; they can only be property of the state (in a limited sense) as a punishment for crimes.
Your body is your property and nobody can force you to do something to it or with it. This is not a government given right. This is intrinsic to your existence (AKA: God given). All transactions with your body, be it medical, labour, etc, must happen with your consent. Period. This is also the basis of Roe v Wade. Whether you agree with abortion or not is not the subject for today. The point here is that the court "affirmed" that the state did not have rights to tell sovereign people (adults, not minors) whether they can have a "medical procedure" even if that procedure results in death of another life. Why? Because your body is your property and you choose what is done with it.
The only compulsory vaccinations we have in America are for children. The reasons for this are clear:
1) Children, particularly infants and toddlers cannot make decisions about vaccines or anything else for that matter. Parents, as the persons legally responsible for those children are charged with making these decisions. Those same parents are under obligation to care for the child should that child suffer a life long disability due to the decisions the parents make for them.
2) Any sane civilization protects it's future. Many of the vaccines given at childhood are for diseases that have high fatality rates in children. Some, like polio, when it doesn't kill can cause serious physical disabilities for life.
Where adults are told to get vaccinations it is when they travel to other countries. Largely this is for their own protection against diseases that are NOT endemic to where they come from. If I was going to Ghana you would not have to coerce me to get a malaria shot. Or Dengue fever. Or River blindness shots. Line 'em up, roll up my sleeve or drop my pants and lets get to jabbing.
Covid is now endemic world wide. It is zoonotic (can infect animals and make the jump between them and humans) and therefore cannot be eradicated. Period. Hence travel bans and segregation will do nothing to help. Intelligent people know this. Some of these intelligent people have ulterior motives. Which brings me back to the segregation angle.
I believe that a large reason why segregation in America was done was the widespread fear of black people. I'm not getting into the validity of these fears. Just saying that it existed. A second reason for it was the sense of superiority it gave and re-enforced in the people who benefited from segregation. They believed themselves to be morally, intellectually and ultimately more human than the people they excluded and forced into inferior conditions. In other words, they got off on their superior position.
Witness the rage in the pictures of the black students who "integrated" a school in Little Rock.
Exactly what threat did these students pose to the white students? None. And yet when you see the pictures of the crowd, they are in a full rage. The "mandatory vaccine" crowd is not much different.
They want to make it so you cannot work. They want to make it so that you cannot go on public transport (which your taxes went to pay for). They are out in the open about making life 'very difficult" for people who are unvaccinated.
And they believe they are morally superior and so there is nothing wrong with their position. Just like the segregationists were. Keep the negroes out until they are civilized.
Keep the unvaxxed out until they are "civilized".
Meanwhile "vaccinated" people keep getting infected and infecting others such as this latest example:
Rational people without ulterior motives would look at this and scrap any kind of "vaccine mandate" because it would be clear that they "do not work" in reference to infection and transmission.
"Dr. Janet Whelan, a member of the Provincetown Board of Health, confirmed
that the vaccinated could be spreading the Coronavirus: “The most
interesting thing to me about this cluster of cases is so many of the
people infected were vaccinated, which sort of means that a lot of the
people that are vaccinated who are exposed to it may feel safe, but may
also transmit it to others.” ABC News however dismissed the spread as being “not a major concern”."
"May also transmit it to others"? I'd drop the "may" part.
Now in the face of overwhelming evidence that vaccination prevents neither infection or transmission, what do these people do?
Officials in Cape Cod’s Provincetown has issued a new mask rule for all
the unvaccinated, including children under the age of 12. Unvaccinated
people will be required to wear masks both outdoors in crowded areas as
well as in all public indoor spaces, despite the fact that vaccinated
people make up most of the active cases in the town.
Mask rule? Firstly we were told that vaccines were the exit from masks. If the vaccine is NOT an exit from masks then WTF? And since masks didn't stop anything (for reasons of simple physics), then why do more of things that didn't and don't work?
For a lot of these people, they are in a bubble where they have no one, at least no one they respect. to challenge their thinking. I remember when I had such ideologies. For example, I thought that black people committed no more crime than whites and that the difference was due to racist policing and courts. No one I associated with challenged this assumption and therefore I had no reason to think I was wrong. I even spent a lengthy blog post on the subject thinking I was debunking someone else's write up on the matter. Got a lot of "fan mail" about my "takedown".
I then stepped out of my bubble, and did that pesky thing called research and found that lo and behold, black Americans commit far more violent crime, particularly in cities than every other group of people.
The thing I thought was racist was true. Since I'm a principled person I stopped writing up misinformation and updated the original post (left it up tho).
So you must have people who are willing to look at the data and get to conclusions and accept them regardless of how they may feel about it. Clearly masks are NOT the solution. Why the mandates when this is known?
Secondly, since vaccinated people are clearly transmitting, why are they exempt from the silly mask rule?
Because these people are the new segregationists. They now have a group they can discriminate against that they can identify, and they are doing so. The unvaccinated are the new "ni**ers" of America.
I would think that black leaders (ha!) would be at the forefront of resistance to this neo-segregation movement. We only have to look at our history and what happens when a people lose rights over their bodies. When some citizens have their rights of free movement and association restricted by law, black leaders should be the first to say "not on my watch".
It is time for the public to stand up against these neo-segregationists. Whether you are vaccinated or not. It doesn't matter. A government who can violate your property rights over your body *has no limits*. The ex-slave knows this. The window of opportunity is closing very quickly. Even if you agree with such a mandate because it comes from people you "trust' and agree with, Are you prepared to accept future mandates if it is from someone you don't? If not there is only one answer to the neo-segregationist:
Not on my watch.