Sunday, February 28, 2021

Forget Those Ho Arse Roads

 I'm trying to keep the title family friendly. :-D

Anyway. There is a rather popular libertarian who when discussing his principles inevitably gets people asking about who will build the roads. His response:

"F** those ho **s roads"

His position being that the market, that is people will come together and create roads where and when they are needed and there is no need for a state to do these things.  I always find it amusing because there are a lot of assumptions that go into that. But I'm going to post two videos here of situations where libertarian principles could be used and aren't.


The state clearly isn't building or maintaining the roads. The drivers who depend upon these roads to make their living haven't banded together to pay someone to build and maintain the roads. The villages that depend upon the goods these drivers deliver on these "roads" haven't built or maintained the roads. 

So then why, where there is "market force" reasons to build and maintain these roads haven't the civilians gone and done it?