Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Up Close with Bill Ritter Unwittingly Tells The Truth

 No, it's no secret that after 2016, I essentially stopped watching and listening to all MSM, right or left.  The amount a lies they propagandize is worthy of conspiracy theories on BitChute. 


But every now and then I have to tolerate the "news" as I'm not in control of the television in the place that I am staying and hence I get to see how bad it is or has gotten. I recall back in the day when I was learning about propaganda and power that many times those in power become so comfortable in their power that they let their true faces show, often by accident. If you are aware it is clear to you. If you are "woke" you don't get it. It's ironic that "woke" really means "eyes wide shut" these days. 

Anyway onto the purpose of this post. Bill Whitter who hates Trump more than anything allowed one of his guests to say the following without so much as a comment (time index 23:30).

"Frankly Look, The corporations are critical to Republicans controlling government or getting government back. Under Trump they lost The White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Hey, no corporate money, no free spending by corporations. Tell people, "Okay, guess what?" Things go wrong, and that's what really is happening here. It's a warning to the Republicans. "Get back in line". Stop making trouble, because if there's trouble, we can't make money. And if we can't make money, we don't need you." [My emphasis]

Just think of what was just admitted to here: Corporations own Republicans and Democrats who are "in line" and "not making trouble". So every voter who saw that knows that any elected official with any corporate backing is owned. They are "in line" and "not making trouble".

In that lies an opportunity across the board. A litmus test. If you think elected officials ought to "get in line" with citizens in their districts and state rather than corporations, then ask who they get their money from. Of they have corporate money you know they are bought. 

The funny thing is that liberals used to HATE and despise corporate power in politics. Now it's A-OK.

And the other funny thing is, Trump gave corporations lower tax rates (along with the rest of us) and they still dicked him.