Friday, January 29, 2021

Open Letter To Japan About Olympics

Hello Japanese Officials.

Unfortunately, the Olympic games set for last year was canceled. At the time it was understandable given how little we knew about COVID and its impacts, however; today we know a lot more about it and what we can do about it than we did then. To this end, I'm writing this to encourage you to have a fully attended Olympic games this year.

I know that this runs counter to the "experts" but consider this: How many times have the "experts" been dead wrong in the past year? They told you that masks work and yet you have seen in your own population, high numbers of people who have shown signs of infection though very few actually got sick. They said lockdowns work and yet the data from across the globe has shown that the only thing they work for is to enable tyrannical governments and to destroy economies. They said you had to wait for a vaccine and then said that even with vaccines you have to stay locked down and masked up. In short, these experts have been either dead wrong or in on an agenda called the Great Reset. Japan has an opportunity to show the world what it is to be a brave nation that follows actual science. I'm going to explain how.

It has been known since at least the summer that Ivermectin is extremely effective at keeping the COVID virus from replicating in the cells. It is used as prophylaxis in many countries. In those countries, even though there are high infection rates, the recovery rates are extremely high (in the 90 percentile). Whereas countries that refuse to use Ivermectin continue to lag behind.

 Secondly, we know that people with low levels of vitamin D are far more likely to develop severe cases of COVID if they are infected and not properly treated. 

Thirdly we know that this virus,  like influenza, is a seasonal virus and the Olympics falls during the period of low activity.  With this well-known information here is how you run a full-on Olympic games this summer:

Firstly you MUST reject the ideology of "stop infections". It is entirely unscientific and leaves you no outs. No plans you make will mitigate infection. You know this from the studies done on your population. Reject this madness entirely.

Secondly, for your national population, you should embark on making Ivermectin available to all. I understand that your nation has a LOT of vending machines for all manner of items. You should, if possible make Ivermectin available in these vending machines. These Wuhan Packs, as I have named them, should provide instructions for their safe and effective use (ie:amount taken per Kg body weight).

Similarly all athletes, support staff etc. should be given these packs. From my understanding, it should be taken once a month (there are doctors who can inform you of the specifics). All people involved with the games should take a dose 1 week out from when they are going to participate.

Similarly, Athletes and others taking part in the games should be screened for vitamin D levels NOW and those found to be deficient should be put on a vitamin D regimen so that their levels are sufficient by the time the games roll around. It does take time for this to happen. 

Zinc is known to inhibit SARS replication. Athletes and the public should be encouraged to take Zinc on a regular basis. Athletes probably already do this, particularly males, for its effect on testosterone production.

People attending the games should be strongly advised to do the same but if they do not, it should be made clear that their health is THEIR responsibility and that Japan nor the IOC is responsible if they do not want to take the drug and get sick. Just as it was prior to COVID. Your body your decision. Let us treat the people of the world as the adults they are. If they are concerned they have the option to not attend.

Fourthly, do not do what some other organizations have shamefully done and require athletes to take these experimental vaccines. No athlete, no person should be coerced into putting a foreign substance into their bodies, the short and long term effects of which are unknown, in order to practice their craft. Bodily autonomy is a foundational human right. Be a righteous nation and reject this inhuman plan at its first suggestion.

A Games with no spectators is called a training session. We athletes train solo or small groups in order to perform on the world "stage". To rob these athletes of their time to shine by barring the spectators is unfair. Open the games to all comers. provide scientifically proven prophylaxes to the population and show the world how it's done and strike a blow against this medical tyranny we are living under.

Thank you.

SKO "Garvey's Ghost"

PS: Not packing people into subways like sardines would probably help. Just sayin'.