Sunday, January 03, 2021

"Amen" Is NOT Hebrew. Or Latin


Given the interest in this post, I will refer readers to my earlier, lengthy discussion of the Egyptian origins of Judaism and Christianity (among other things):

Unfortunately, the images in that post are gone.

Original post below.

 So apparently there was a prayer said in congress that was ended with "Amen and Awoman".  Now it's bad enough that the dumb gender wokeness had infected a prayer, but what bothered me more were all the people claiming that Amen was either Hebrew or Latin in origins. 

That is utterly and completely untrue.

Amen is Khemetic (ancient Egyptian) in origins.  The Egyptian god-head was called Ra. In one of his forms he is known as "Amen-Ra" 

Amen, sometimes referred to an Amun or Amon. is the seated figure with the double crown. The double crown indicating ruling over the "Two lands" of Egypt (the upper and lower).

You'll note the god with the solar disk behind Amen holding a staff of power (the text "Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me" originates with the rods and staff held by various Neters [gods])

Here he is again.

So anyone on this "Amen and Awoman" is a total fool. We have total fools running the government. We have total fools in the academia pushing this nonsense. It's sad to see.