Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Is NYC Scapegoating Orthodox Jews In Order To Maintain The Fear Narrative?

 So we have the Mayor of NY threatening mostly Jewish neighborhoods with lockdowns due to the increase in cases in their neighborhoods. While I'm not prone to going to bat for Jews of any kind, as they have their own advocates, I do have to object to what I see as targetted harassment of that population with the sole purpose of maintaining a fear narrative.

See these graphs below:

Daily Cases:

New York has essentially "flattened the curve" in respect to cases. It's been flat since June. We were told 15 days to flatten the curve. Done. Why are we harassing people?

Daily Deaths:

You can barely make out the daily deaths at the tail of the graph. If you must know the last number is 18.

1. 8.

Again, Why is the Mayor harassing Jews when the curve is flat and the deaths are statistical noise?

While Brooklyn (Kings County) and Queens has the highest number of new cases, their death counts as of yesterday were 1 and 3 respectively.

Again, why are they being harassed?

Deaths are on the floor. Cases are flat (slight variability from week to week). So unless the data collected by Worldometers is wrong, there is no data or scientific basis for the new lockdowns and all of that.

The government is simply mad that a segment of the population refuses to live in paranoia. Paranoia is when you fear of a thing is greater than it's actual threat to you. That's what's going on in NYC.