Friday, October 16, 2020

Constitutional Republicanism or Socialism

 The Wuhan Pandemic has shown the world that much of America doesn't believe in, or operate under the freedom and democracy that it claims to want to export to the world.  When push became shove, much of the US "leadership" dumped the constitution and the natural rights of man(kind) and copied the Chinese Communist Party and allowed governors to run their states as quasi-dictatorships where small cabals of officials got together to determine who's job was important enough to be considered essential, to impose travel restrictions, to criminalize behavior such as walking around, driving to a fro. Gathering with friends and family on and in your private property, etc. 

They told businesses they could not open and openly argued in court that you have no right to "make a living". For anyone who has not been paying attention for years, such a thing is surprising but for the rest of us, it is the expected expansion of Nanny Statism, the "western" version of Communism. Nanny Statism's main means of controlling the population, once it gets control of the levers of power is the power of fear. Everything is couched in "for your safety" or "for the safety of others". If someone doesn't feel "safe" then the state has carte blanche to step in and do whatever it likes. Since the legal process is slow and expensive, the victim of state aggression has little means to counter the state, except perhaps violence, but individual violence against the state never succeeds.  But this isn't a thesis about violence, Frantz Fanon did that work already. No, this is a comparison between a governor who understands Constitutional Republicanism and a governor who is effectively a Communist.

First, watch this video of the governor of South Dakota and note how she made decisions about what she could and could not do and how she regarded the people she was elected to execute laws for

I will note that Hillsdale College has had some very good presentations and you should watch them in your free time.

Now, listen to NY Governor Andrew Cuomo discuss what's going on in NYS.

Here Cuomo admits that the actions taken in NY are not based on science but on fear. I've already shown that despite the rise in cases in NY, the death rates have remained flat (though they will go up due to seasonality, meaning regular things like low humidity and vit D deficiency due to lack of sunlight will increase all respiratory diseases and yes, deaths). 

And lets be clear, the Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods with the increased cases are not living in fear. THEY are not afraid and THAT bothers Di Blasio and Cuomo. They want the NYC public to be afraid because there are CASES even though the deaths are extremely low.

This is a stark contrast. One state is being run by a cabal that is using fear to control the population and another is sticking to the founding principles (sans slavery) to allow people to make informed decisions.

I'd move to South Dakota if it was located say around Virginia/North Carolina. I have no appetite for north mid-west winters. Not one bit. Been there and done that.

People are being fined and potentially arrested and jailed for silly ass quarantine rules that rule out travel to 80% of the country if you have a job that you can't afford 14 days off from.

And what's worse is that there are known things that people can do to protect themselves that have nothing to do with masks, nothing to do with lockdowns and silly ass quarantines and yet this information is not told to the public on a regular basis. Have you seen a "get your daily sunshine" Public service announcement? Have you seen a "Have you supplemented your Vit D Today?" Public service announcement? Have you seen a "Have you had your Zinc today?" Public service announcement? These three things alone would have dramatic impacts on those vulnerable to Wuhan, and yet the public is not informed.  Why?

A bottle of 100 tablets of 5000mg D3 is $14.00. A 100 bottle of Zinc 50mg is 13 bucks. Take the D3 once a day and you get 3 months of D. 30 bucks gets you through Fall and Winter. Take Zinc twice a week if you're not sick and that Zinc lasts months. So for $43 you can drastically lower your chances of not only getting a COVID infection, but also lower your chances of having severe issues if you DO get infected. I mean, c'mon people Chris Christie just survived COVID.

So this is what it's going to come down to. Rule by law (and constraint on government) or rule by fear.