Thursday, October 22, 2020

A Demon On The Seat

 So to remind the readership, I am not a Christian. That said, I respect that people find various religious systems compatible with their lives and such systems help them to be the best people they can be. Hence, I usually refrain from having religious arguments with people (wasn't always like that but we learn and grow). One of my positions though is that if you claim to be a [insert religion here] you should follow the tenets of that religion, particularly if such tenets have a personal impact. That is, don't be against homosexuality until you find out your son is gay and then suddenly "see the light".  And yes, I picked that example on purpose. Understand that I understand that we are all not perfect and hence even if we do hold to tenets we will fall short. In such cases, it is obligatory to admit that WE fell short, not that the rules are "wrong". The reason for this is easy: If your religious text is the "word of God" whether directly given or inspired by [whatever spirit] to persons who wrote down (or created whatever oral tradition) then it cannot be "wrong". If it is "wrong" then your God is not perfect and the dominoes continue to fall from there. Which brings us to the Pope.

I have long been of the opinion that Pope Francis is and was wholly unfit to be Pope. His actions since being elevated has only cemented that position.  Remember that the Pope is allegedly God's representative on earth. Since it has been determined that homosexuality is wrong per divine instruction, no Catholic, much less The Pope should be giving it any quarter. To do so is explicitly against doctrine as allegedly given by God. So either God is full of Doo Doo or the Pope is knowingly and explicitly contradicting doctrine. Since under Christian doctrine, the devil or demon twists and misrepresents the word of God (see  Genesis and the Fall of Man) this means The Pope is a demon (or so possessed) and is at the head of the Catholic church.

If the Bishops have any sense of self-respect or at a minimum a sense of keeping the integrity of the Catholic church, they would immediately convene and remove Francis from his position ASAP.

Now one would say that endorsing Civil Unions isn't a big deal because Civil Unions are not marriages. If the Pope was the head of a secular state that would make sense. A secular state recognizes marriages primarily to legitimize parents for legal purposes including taxation.  However; the Pope is NOT the head of a secular state. Also by endorsing civil unions he is endorsing the behavior that goes with it. The Church and Christianity in general condemns behavior rather than persons. You LOVE your neighbor but you also say "go and sin no more". Christians ought never be caught out endorsing behavior. This goes 10x times for the head of the Catholic church.

The Seventh Day Adventists have long said that the Catholic church is actually an anti-Christ organization. I don't get involved in inter-denominational spats but the recent things coming out of that institution is making SDA's look like they are prophets.