Friday, September 18, 2020


Yes, I'm going to reference The Matrix: Reloaded again. 

In that movie, which I think is the best of the series, The Merovigian has a discussion with The Trio discussing the finer points of power. He points out that those in power give the people the illusion of choice when they are in fact not in control. In other words, those with power can and do limit the choices of the powerless. Neo, and by extension all the human rebels are a threat to power because they explicitly reject the choices given to them by those in power.

When those in power identify those who reject the [false] choices given to them, the power structure deploys its enforcers to eliminate the threat. In The Matrix, Neo is a particular threat because not only does he  reject the choices assigned to him but he also has the power ability to impose power himself.

This brings us to the current COVID situation. We have seen the state wield power in ways unimaginable to the founders much less the population back say even 30 years ago. Governors with dictatorial powers gifted to them by "emergency power legislation" passed by gullible and short sighted legislatures. Where the state executive can decide who's job is "essential" and who is not. Where you can and cannot go and what you must put on your body in public settings and who and how many people can be in your private property. Even barring the public from entering buildings while in possession of their own water bottles. Yes, this happened to me on Wed.

We were told "15 days to flatten the curve". That was the Big Lie. We, the public went along with this because generally we're good people. We don't want to see overrun hospitals. We are 6 months into "15 days". Clearly we have been had. Now we are being told that we cannot go "back to normal" until or unless there is a vaccine. They've just declared that. Nobody asked us, we the people about that. Many people have signed onto this "no back to normal unless there is a vaccine" proposition without question. Like those plugged into the Matrix.

Why has this "no back to normal" thing been  put in place? Well we have an example from the UK

The plan then states that there would be “full rollout” in early 2021 to 10 million tests a day, to “enable people to return to and maintain normal life.” At this stage, weekly testing would be made available progressively to the whole population to allow people to go to high risk events by using a “digital passport” to show they have tested negative for the virus.


 This thing of governments "allowing" people to do things the government has no business having a say in  should bother the majority of people. The UK is a proto police state anyway (along with Australia) but don't think such thinking is not going on in the US. A lot of governors are on this "allow" ship. 

The documents show that there have been discussions over how to incentivise people to be tested. They point to enforcing testing “via a sanction-based model” or through “offering individuals opportunities/access from being tested,” such as being able to attend events.

"sanction based model". 'being able to attend events".

In china we already have the case where workers are not allowed to go to work without government permissions (via one of these "passports" on their phones). 

So governments are going all in on the fear narrative. I've seen people literally cower in fear when passed by someone without a mask on. People who quickly and haphazardly put on masks when someone who is without a mask passed them, outdoors at over 20 feet away.  People *still* driving in their personal cars (not Uber or taxis) by themselves with masks on.  The level of  paranoia is high in the public.

Just what is needed to enable the "allow" mentality to take hold.