Friday, August 21, 2020

"We've Lost Control, Haven't We?"

 I"ve posted a lot about how the Wuhan virus is being used to control and manipulate the population. I've shown with data you can read yourself that there are effective treatments (if given early enough). I've shown that lockdowns and mask mandates were absolutely unnecessary to end the pandemic (see Sweden) as long as we understand that yes, people will die. I showed you what co-morbidities are likely to cause Wuhan complications. 

But I'm not a doctor. Why should you believe what I write? First, I don't ask any of you to believe what I say. I ask you to follow the links and read the papers for yourself. So in that vein here is a doctor in Spain (which was hard hit) discussing the situation at the hospital where he works and the conditions seen by other Spanish medical professionals are seeing.

Now you catch that "we've lost control"? 

That's the point people. Control.