Saturday, August 29, 2020

hree Quarters Should Not Have Died

 I'm embeding a video that you can listen to without watching. You're probably COVID'd out and don't want to hear about it, but you need to understand what is actually going on. What the actual science is and what these people have in store for you. I want to highlight some text because it's THAT important:

now i want to close this podcast with this
the so-called standard of care right now
is to tell you to sit at home
until and unless you have shortness of
breath basically
take tylenol and relax cool your jets
let your body fight it off folks
as i pointed out very early in this in
in this disease in march
by the time you get to the point that
your oxygen saturation starts to fall
you're in a lot of trouble
not a little trouble a lot of trouble
the average human being has somewhere
between six and ten times
the pulmonary and cardiac capacity that
they require to sit around
and be you know quietly amused recording
a podcast like this or
cooking dinner or laying in bed
or watching television
an athlete may have 20 or more times
that capacity
to tell somebody to allow a virus to
70 80 90
of your pulmonary capacity before you
attempt to
treat it is criminally insane
especially when we have interventions
that are very low risk
and we know work 

The Ghost has been telling people what to do to prevent the bad effects of the infection (anti-inflamatory foods and drinks), The Ghost been told people to take Zinc and Quercetin if you think you've been infected. Heck take Zinc anyway. The Ghost provided you with the proof of how and why HCQ and Quercetin work with Zinc.