Wednesday, August 05, 2020

CNN Engages In Racial Fear Mongering.

Yesterday I laid out why the lockdowns needs to end. For months I've laid out what treatments work and when they are effective. I've shown that Wuhan was likely in the US longer than we thought. That it was absolutely the case that we had far more cases than anyone thought prior to the lockdowns.

I showed you the graphs and posted the videos of actual experts in the field showing how the virus actually affects different populations and why. At this point anyone pointing at "cases" is engaging in fear mongering. Children have the absolute lowest mortality rate for COVID. Not that they *cannot* get sick and die, but that the likelihood of that happening is possibly lower than getting a Royal Flush on a Video Poker machine. Ok That's an exaggeration, It's around the chances of a Full House (0.1441% )

From the CDC :

As of April 2, 2020, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in >890,000 cases and >45,000 deaths worldwide, including 239,279 cases and 5,443 deaths in the United States (1,2). In the United States, 22% of the population is made up of infants, children, and adolescents aged <18 years (children) (3). Data from China suggest that pediatric COVID-19 cases might be less severe than cases in adults and that children might experience different symptoms than do adults (4,5); however, disease characteristics among pediatric patients in the United States have not been described. Data from 149,760 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases in the United States occurring during February 12–April 2, 2020 were analyzed. Among 149,082 (99.6%) reported cases for which age was known, 2,572 (1.7%) were among children aged <18 years. Data were available for a small proportion of patients on many important variables, including symptoms (9.4%), underlying conditions (13%), and hospitalization status (33%). Among those with available information, 73% of pediatric patients had symptoms of fever, cough, or shortness of breath compared with 93% of adults aged 18–64 years during the same period; 5.7% of all pediatric patients, or 20% of those for whom hospitalization status was known, were hospitalized, lower than the percentages hospitalized among all adults aged 18–64 years (10%) or those with known hospitalization status (33%). Three deaths were reported among the pediatric cases included in this analysis.

3 pediatric deaths out of 2,572 cases, is .116%

Point. One. One. Six.

And that's among those who became hospitalized which is always a very small percentage of those infected.

Why would any rational person write an article about the "significantly higher" rates among minority children when the risk to children is POINT ONE ONE SIX% of dying? Do you know that influenza is FAR more risky to children?

Goyal, a pediatric emergency medicine specialist, described the results as "striking." "Understanding and addressing the root causes of these disparities are needed to mitigate the spread of infection," the team wrote.

No, actually we don't need to mitigate the spread. The data is already out there. It's going to spread. Get it over with and get it over with BEFORE the influenza season hits. What is "striking" is that with all the data out there we still have "medical professionals" who  are STILL talking about mitigation.

This is racial fear mongering and it's unacceptable.

The team found that the inequities existed even after they adjusted for age, sex and median family income. Inequalities could be in part due to limited access to health care and resources, as well as bias and discrimination, but the researchers said that further research is needed to understand the cause.

This makes no sense. The Wuhan virus floats in the air and sticks on surfaces. That has nothing to do with "access to health care". Either you breath it in, or you touch an infected surface and then one of your orifices. There is no "bias" in how you get it. It's the "Luck of the draw".  But people with racial agendas want you to believe that you got infected because you had "limited health care access".

Total BS.

You know what's bad for certain "minority" children? Being indoors during [peak] daylight hours. Dark skinned people in northern hemispheres are notoriously vitamin D deficient. We need to be outside 3x as long as pale skinned persons to make the same amount of vitamin D. You know what's a leading indicator that you're going to have a rough time with COVID? Vitamin D deficiency.